Teach English in Hanxue Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hanxue Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching adults and young learners have many similarities and differences. It is important that teachers understand how these two groups deal with learning and what the challenges teachers can find during their classes. Age The difference between young learners and adults: Adults are students who are 18 years old or more. There are three categories of young learners: 1. Early teen age learners (13+ years old) – They are usually unmotivated and unready to take a risk or experiment with new language. They are considered as the most difficult categories of young learners. 2. Pre-puberty learners (8-12 years old) - They have better receptive skills to the new language, words and grammar or foreign language. 3. Very young learners (7 years old and less) - They have short attention. They come with a limited amount of knowledge. Some of them have recently begun to learn, to read and write in their native language. Motivation Adults are very motivated. They come to the classroom knowing what they want to achieve. They usually make their own decision to start with classes. Young learners usually don’t make decision by themselves to start to learn foreign language and they are not really motivated. Teacher should help to encourage them and to make classes interesting. Experience Adults usually have a lot of learning experience and clear picture how teaching should be carried out. Adult learners enjoy being involved in the planning and learning process. Adults are more nervous about learning new language than younger learners. Behavior Adults have better attention and more life experience to bring in the classroom and that can make lessons more interesting and varied. Adults are practical and disciplined and need to be motivated to come to class and participate. The young learners are more focused on a real object. They have short attention spans and they get bored easily so they need frequent changes of activities. Activities always should be related to the children’s own interests. Young learners want to have fun while learning and they are disciplined by the teacher through established classroom rules and guidelines. The reasons why adults make decision to attend English class: 1. To communicate with friends, colleagues, business partners 2. For future career prospects 3. To study in English speaking country 4. To leave in English speaking country 5. For traveling 6. To improve grades in school Young learners usually don't have any personal reason for studying foreign language.The Parents are mostly those who direct them to learning a foreign language. Teaching young learners: - English language should be used all the time - Teacher should speak slowly, short and direct sentences - For explanation to use props, objects or cards - All children’s should be include in activities - Teacher should make clear demonstration of the responses which require (Giving clear instructions) - Lots of repetition - Playing simple games (team or individual) - Teacher should never raise the voice - Teacher should always show them appreciation for what they are doing - Classroom should be a pleasant and welcoming place with posters, cartoons and children’s own artwork. - To have prepared in the classroom plenty of color pencils, papers, rubbers… Teaching adults: - English language should be used all the time - Keep them relevant - Students should feel comfortable - Teacher always should offer them feedback - Provide practical and useful language Adults are focused on form and correctness. They usually what to be able to match English language to their native language. For adults lesson should be interesting and enjoyable. Adults who are learning Business English language it is very important they to get information what they need (terminology and vocabulary related to their job) but also what companies want their employees to achieve. Even though there are apparent differences between children and adults as students, the same basic principles of work and personalized learning must be present for both groups equal.