Teach English in Danzi Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

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A teacher in her/his career may teach a group or give just an individual Tuition. Each one of them have some advantages and as well some disadvantages . Let’s start with the advantages to teach one-to-one. We can consider 6 main advantages. Three for the teacher and three for the Learner. First one is the adaptation of the level. Indeed, if there is only one person to teach, therefore, there is only one level that the teacher have to take into consideration. Thus, to create a course it will be a lot more easier, there is no need to think to much about it when the teacher gonna have to adapt the level for futur exercises or to search for material aids. Unlike a group, the teacher could cope different levels and will have to adapt the exercices by creating graduated questions in a drill, manage to pair levels with high level learners and lower level learners, this way they gonna be able to help each other or simply the ultimate option could be to create some assignments more easier for lower level learners than for the higher ones. The second advantage to teach individual course would be the material’s selection. Usualy, before starting a course the teacher should exchange during a conversation with the learner to know him/her better, identify his/her personality, his/her own interest to select the best suitable material to use during the course to activate a certain motivation from the learner. Thus, if the teacher is in front of one learner only he / she can easily take as an option the material that the learner prefer. Conversely, in a group, it is more complicated than that. The teacher will have several personalities and complete different interest, the best choice to do regarding the material gonna be very tricky. The Third advantage to teach one person only is how to measure the pace of the lesson. We know the learner and his/her ability to understand and apply the lesson so the teacher will easily scheduled a lesson time. Neverthless, in a group how to measure a lesson pace is much more blurred. By taking into consideration one time again that there are different personalities and each one of those learners have different capacities and abilities, the teacher won’t be able to established a specific time maybe an average time it’s possible even though some learner gonna finished a task quicker than other one. In that case the first one will have to wait for the other one to finish before the teacher is moving on on the other task. The advantages listed above were for teachers but studying to one-to-one can rather have some advantages for learners. The student get 100% attention from the teacher. In a group the teacher will have more learners and will have to split his/her time to spent with each other. The student can work at his/her space because he/she is alone during the course so the teacher can adapt the time for him/her. In a group, learners will have to wait each others and the teacher will have to wait for each one of them to finish what they were expected to do before pursuing the course. Last adavantages for the learner he/she can get more feedback from the teacher after an assessment for example. In a group, feedbacks can last 2 or 3 days, this is generaly the time that a teacher need to correct every copies. We have finished now to list every advantages to teach one-to one group by confronting the drawbacks of teaching a group. From now, we gonna see that teaching a one-to-one group can have some disadvantages as well and in contrary teaching a group can be better. First one is the learner by being on his/her own could be bored to interact with the same person, here the teacher or he/she can feel doing all the work by his/her own. This is were teaching a group is more interesting, interaction through pairwork and groupwork is the basis and bring a certain interest and motivation for learners. Second disadvantages, it is more difficult to find adapted course book or material aid for one person, generaly speacking course book are designed for group work. Thus, the teacher will find more help for the course when he/she is teaching a group. To conclude, the last and major possibly disadvantage encountered is the difference of personality between the teacher and a learner during an individual course. It is primordial that a certain bond is created between them to enable the learner to feel comfortable. This is where the work group is a good point, in a group there is huge variety of personalities thus it is less possible that a learner doesn’t match with someone and feel rejected. To close this subject we can maybe open up with another one related with the same subject. We have in this thesis analyse the advantages or disadvantages to teach a group or one-to-one. It could, effectively be interesting to ponder on existing solutions regarding the disadvantages encountered in both cases for groups and one-to-one teaching.