Teach English in Weixin Zhen - Yibin Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Weixin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yibin Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

This unit focuses on mistakes,methodology and feedbacks in teaching. Methodology here explains how learners found in an English speaking regions arw different from those who aren't, cause they do benefit from the environment. Meanwhile those who aren't depend mostly on thier native language. So as a teacher, I've to choose a good methodology like audio-linguilism,presentation- practice- production,tasj based learning,communication language teaching and learning(CLT,CLL),grammar translation method etc.As a teacher,i could apply them depending on the ages,environment and cultural background of the learners. I also learnt of the ESA(Engage-Study-Activate) method is the best method to use. This according to Jeremy,it helps students to be more of participants and less of observers. The method is all about eleciting whereby the teacher ask learners thoughts.This method could be applied using flashcards, videos,drawings and gap fills. Engage involves warm up activity whereby the teacher gets the students stimulated by motivating them to learn with the use of music,plays,pictures etc Study involves working,introduce the language to the student and the teacher becomes less active with the students doing the work though offering correction when necessary. Activate stage entails enphasing on fluency than accuracy. As a teacher, I've to be flexible. I could apply the ESASA,OR E1,E2,A1,S1S1A2A2 depending on the learners and level of understanding. I also learned of the the examples of ESA like straight arrow, the Boomerang, patch way ESA methods. I also learned on handling mistakes/correction, especially as this rhings are done unknowingly. Either the student thinks he/she is right, doesn't know the correct answers or knows but doesn't know the correct form. In all,as a teacher, i should encourage, motivate young learners using self correction, student-student correction and lastly teacher-student correction