Teach English in Yidao Zhen - Yantai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yidao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yantai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The world has become a very well connected place thanks to the developments in technology and transportation . These days many people travel across countries . Due to globalization , many students now prefer to study abroad for various reasons. Yet ,there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad .The advantages of studying abroad are learning a foreign language and making international friends while it's main disadvantages is missing family and friends. The first advanteges of studying abroad is learning a foreign language. In this ages,it is essential to speak of foreign language , people can learn a foreign language more easily in a foreign country.Thus students who study abroad a acquire a foreign language and use it in their professional life . For instance if a students studies in the UK ,he or she can learn English well at school and this will a huge advantages in business life . One of the important advantages ; you have studied abroad can look very good to potential employers when it comes to applying for jobs. The fact that you have lived and studied abroad shows that you possess valuable workplace qualities such as independence, initiative and resilience. It also shows that you are not afraid of a challenge and that you can be adaptable if the circumstances demand it . Another advantege of studying abroad is making international friends. Students who study abroad meet many other students from various countries. Thus they make new friends from all around the world. This is very beneficial them because when they go to a different country they will have friends in that country. These friends can help students both in their personal and professional lives . Life's an adventures .Living abroad can be great fun and it broadens yours perspective on life -new experiences to have , plus you 'll always have lot's of stories to tell to the folks back home . -Winston Churchill '' When I am abroad,I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the goverment of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home '' On the other hand ,there are disadvantages of studying abroad such as missing family and friends . When a student studies abroad, he lives away from his family and friends. Generally, students who study abroad can not visit their families very often because they live in faraway countries. Thus they feel homesick.For instance a student from Turkey can not visit his family very often if he studies in the US because the flight takes a very long time . Another disadvantage of studying abroad is cultural shock. Even if you have researched it extensively and think you know a country , you will find lots of things are very different when you actually live there. Some of the differences might be practical and obvious, but others might be more subtle -there are likely to be social and psychological differences in how people relate to each other and be have , for instance. Furthermore there are likely to be increased costs involved with studing abroad -both with the expense of your education and with everyday living. Language and curtural differences can sometimes make finding part-time work more difficult. Financial pressures can undermine your overall enjoyment of and experience if you are not careful. -Lao Tzu ''Without stirring abroad, one can know the whole world ;without looking out of the window One can see the way of heaven. The further one goes the less one knows.'' In conclusion , the number of students who study abroad is increasing .However there are pros and cons of studying abroad. The advantages can be listed as learning a new language ,making international friends and have a chance to work in high quality business .And another benefits are gain great growth experiences . Students gain and learn new things while in abroad about their lifestyle and social. In addition that provides the opportunity to travel around the surrouding . They can learn more as the students travel around to gain more info about the foreign country and others. Then develops students personal skills by adapt the situation and slowly to cope with the social life in foreign country.In fact , -Frank Herbert ''The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand'' In particular, knowledge is something to be earning by not knowing the meanning but it is something to seek by exploring the world . Consequently,student should travel around there in abroud to seek for more knowledge. While the main disadvantage is missing familu members. Despite it is disadvantages, studying abroad can be a great opportunity for a students career -Saint Augustine '' Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers ,at the vast compass of the ocean ,at the circular motions of the stars and they pass by themselves without wondering .''