Teach English in Guandao Zhen - Yantai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guandao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yantai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Nowadays, learning a foreign language is the most important advantage in our life. Specially, learning English is the language that can provide you lots of chances and help in your daily routine. All over the world, being experienced and having at least the basic knowledge of English can help you in many different points for example communication with foreigners or tourists, reading the introductions of products or computers, machine devices which are in English language. Travelling abroad, or having a business which dealing with different countries the best and easiest way is to communicate with English language. However, not all the countries are flexible or easy to learn a foreign language. Some countries, as far East or middle east countries can face more difficulties cause of many reasons. Either not being used to speak, listen English daily or not interested. Well known, the middle east countries are using the arabic language as main language, which the alphabet is not the same as the English one, this is the most difficult part when somebody wants to start learning a new language. The begginer students will be in the first stage scared or worried that they will not be able to learn it or feeling not confident to try something which is totally different from their native languge. For example, arab natives writing from the right to left side, the alphabet is arabic and the pronounciation of each word extremelly different. These thoughts of a student can make him quit, or not being motivated to start learning English. Furthermore, there are still some problems that exist in the middle east countries. One very important is the culture. Some of the arabic countries are more strict which the groups of learners has to be only males or females. Some other countries are mixed with Europeans, Asian. On that point, the environment in the class will be sometimes more aggressive or the level of the english will not be the same for all the students. That can create problems between the students specially in younger age. Conflicts can be also happened during the lesson or bullying. That can desrupt the teaching flow or destroy the motivation of the students. Other problem can be the behavior/attitude of the student to the teacher or to the other students. Sometimes younger age, children are influenced from their parents or housing environment. That can makes their behavior disrespectful to students with some special needs, different nationality, religion or coming from a poor society. Another task, which should be done with more care Is the similarity in some words. For example some words in Arabic language have different meaning than the one in English, sometimes can be a bad word, which can make a student feel bad , discomfort. Also, some expressions, gestures which in Europe has nice meaning in Arabic culture can be very offensive. To conclude, middle east countries have their own difficulties as each country in the world has. These type of problems can be solved with extra attention and careful methods with activities, class games or lessons that will not cause bad results or making bad impression of learning a new languge. Otherwise, learning English is one of the most important and useful languge worldwide. So that means, new learners has to feel pleasant and motivate not scary or not confident. However, the teacher has to be respectful and pay attention carefully to his students needs, how to deal with them carefully and methodically,encourage them when they want to give up, so nothing from the above problems will affect the students progress.