Teach English in Facheng Zhen - Yantai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Facheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yantai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Being able to complete this program, the topic chosen above can be justify. We all know that teaching English as a second language to a non English Nation a huge task to do. Now lets talk about then classroom behavior both the teacher and the students, we all know the importance of creating a friendly atmosphere. One of the most reasons why students from non English speaking Nations wants to learn English is mostly because they want to be able to speak fluently. furthermore, with reference to ESA methodology it is agreed that students who tends converse easily with their follow students tends to improve rapidly so it is very paramount for student to create,students to students relationship in the class as it will really help them to develop.In the sense that they feel so comfortable talking with each other without any fear of making mistakes , referring this point to one of the technique of achieving a good teachers aim is to allow more 'fluency than accuracy' Now with student making friends in the class it will enhance the pace at which the students improves and also creating an atmosphere where all the students are comfortable with each other see themselves as friends thereby making learning achievable. And also with students see themselves as friend to initiate the ESA methodology will be achievable, as it has been clearly stated that before the start of class there should be an engage stage before proceeding study then finally study this is achievable depending on the method apply by the teacher. in whichever way the decide decide to taken on his student using ESA then the activate stage will most achievable because we all know in this stage a good teacher should allow more conversation between students with respect to the topic of the day, so knowing closeness between students, the teacher aim is achieved and also achieving the aim of the students.The relationship between the students and their fellow students will also create an avenue for the teacher to always have a good link between the teachers and the students this also another important aspect of the learning because everyone understands each other then things like instructions and rules will be in accordance without any misunderstanding thereby making learning to be less disruptive and the ability comprehend easily will pace up therefore learning process is spontaneous. IN a situation where by the teacher found himself in a multilingual classroom where by all the the students comes from different parts of the world and cannot communicate to each other with any other language except English then this ill really help a long to both the teacher and students since they are friends they will now see one another as real close friends thereby making communication achievable which is one of the most important aspect of learning the language, students will begin to have interest in knowing more about their friends giving them more . Finally the classroom atmosphere affect both the teacher and students if there is no communications between students then most of the task will not be achieved as the students don't talk with each other but the opposite will be the case where is communication and friendship between students and their fellow students.