Teach English in Ershilidian Zhen - Yantai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Ershilidian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yantai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Even the best students can't be perfect. As much as we would like to believe that disciplining students isn't the teacher's job, the reality is that managing the classroom is one of the notable aspects of teaching. There have been a lot of discussions on how bad behavior of students affect how the classes are held and how it also affects other learner's. So in this task, I will be talking on how teachers can find a solution or an aid. It won't be easy to make a perfect class without problems, but a teacher should know student's background, for example, the student's age. Young learners can be more adaptive than the older ones and if the teacher can't find ways on how to deal with different age brackets there's a big chance that problems will arise. Also, knowing the reasons why students are learning a certain course is helpful, a teacher can motivate them more based on them. Knowing outer factors can also contribute in building a better learning environment. Principles and the atmosphere of a school or an institute can affect on how a student reacts to the surrounding, if the staffs and teachers are strict, the students are more likely to be scared or shows disapproval but when people around seem to be more friendly, it will build a good image and students will feel more at ease and confident. Disciplinary actions that occur in the classroom have root causes that a teacher shoud know about or at least be familiarized with, according to the Unit 3 of ITTT course, this often includes family problems, low self-esteem, boredom, peer pressure, lack of respect for other students/teachers, class size, etc. These factors can sometimes be out of hand but some can be controlled and prevented by a teacher. So it is recommended that a teacher would try to engage with her/his students in a bit personal way at times just to be able to know them better. To prevent problems arising and punishments being done, a teacher can do simple things such as attending to class on time and well prepared so the students would feel interested and for them to know they are being prioritized. Also, not losing temper easily would help. Some students can be very sensitive, they might lose interest and get hurt when the teacher is cantankerous. Establish good rapport with students is a well tested technique for a lot of teachers to make their students behave correctly. Yes, sometimes, in some ways we can avert bad behavior with few simple ways, but there are also times that we may have to use forms of punishment to strengthen boundaries and regain control. However, on times that problems still arise after doing everything possible, it's time to think of these measures: act immediately and not wait for problems to get worse, changing the classroom's dynamic which includes the arrangement of student's seats, talk to the student who's having disciplinary problems in private or ask other colleagues for advice. It won't be very simple but if a teacher shows sincerity on teaching her/his students and tries hard building good relationship between herself and students, things will likely unfold accordingly.