Teach English in Pingtan Zhen - Yangquan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Pingtan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yangquan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivation is a direct product of inspiration. As a teacher, my primary goal is to identify the potential in each and every student and then inspire them to the highest level of motivation so that they can discover all of their undeveloped abilities and achieve skills and confidence to excel in life. This is first accomplished by being entirely prepared to instruct my students. Success in the classroom does not begin when the class starts. Rather, it demands strenuous planning, preparing, thought and imagination to present a meaningful lesson when class begins and through to the end. I come to class not only with prepared material, but also with a prepared attitude. I need my students to see my energy, my enthusiasm, and my love for them and the opportunity to teach and guide them into the wonders of learning. I connect with each student personally. Always valuing the individual, this enables each child to feel the hope and the caring that I have for them. They will achieve their best when they feel loved and safe. All of this is the foundation that sets the premise for motivation. In order to properly motivate a teacher must understand the level it is that they are teaching. Lessons, assignments, drills and projects must address the students level of understanding. If the material is already understood, then the student is not challenged and will become bored and unmotivated. If the material is to far beyond the students understanding, they will feel lost and not capable of learning. Give clear instructions, and always be available for questions and to give guidance. In order for the student to perform to the best of their potential they must understand what they are to learn. When it is completely understood, they can move forward without any hesitations or doubts of what is expected from them. Be involved and quick to acknowledge the students efforts and achievements. The attention they receive from their teacher is critical in keeping them motivated, and on track. They will become frustrated if they try to do something only to discover later that they were doing it incorrectly. The student will thrive on recognition for work well done, so I do not hesitate or delay words of encouragement and congratulations. I encourage imagination and making learning something that is fun. I use many types of learning tools, for the primary reason of introducing new motor skills, new ways of seeing things, and of course to spark the imagination. When a student feels the freedom to imagine and create from their own imagination, then they become excited about learning and creating a world with endless possibilities. The teacher needs to develop a reward system and a progress chart. Students respond positively to charting or mapping their progress. It is like an athlete who practices all week in preparation for a game. How the athlete performs in the game is charting his mastering of the skills. Without the opportunity to try out the developed skills the athlete loses the motivation to work. Delegating rewards worthy of the accomplishments is also a very useful means of motivation. With all of this in mind, I come to class prepared, enthusiastic and ready to lift my students into a realm of learning that will delight them now and benefit them for life. Giving wholly of myself in the pursuit of motivating them to engage in imagination and thought, exercising all of their faculties to grow and expand in knowledge and understanding. Presenting new ideas and older ideas, challenging them to reason and to solve. Encouraging them, caring for them, creating an atmosphere where they feel safe and loved. Motivation is easily achieved when the student is inspired to be themselves and to see the value of their own thoughts and passions. When properly guided through the experience and care of a good instructor the students will participate at high levels and achieve wonderful things. The teacher must remain in charge, but also remain flexible to address all of the possible scenarios that come with working with people, especially children.