Teach English in Kaifaqu - Yangquan Shi

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Introduction: Vocabularies are an important part of a new language, for it is a basic fundamental unit of all other elements – structure and functions – and the skills. This is to say: without having a good deal of a bunch of vocabularies, nothing will be expected to get advanced in a language. Thus the vocabularies should be taught in a correct way to prepare a student to master a language. Once a student has poor vocabularies either in quantity or quality or both, his path to the fluency will be difficult. In this summative I would like to present a way that will make sure that the teaching of the vocabularies is effective. The assumption is an English center conducting a summer camp for vocabulary building to the young learners. I think in teaching vocabularies, there are six goals we need a to achieve: 1. Understanding the meaning Understanding the meaning is the first purpose a student is aimed to achieve. To accomplish this step, the teaching aids are to play a big role especially the visual aids such as physical objects, flashcards and so on. This step should precede the other steps. At this stage, a teacher should focus on one thing at a time; the teacher should make sure that the students receive the meaning of the word regardless to how to pronounce or right the word. A teacher will use the visual aids to fulfill the goal. 2. Pronounce right After a teacher making sure that the meanings of the words they want to teach have been understood, the second step will be the pronunciation. The teacher will make the students repeat as a class, groups and individuals to ensure the purpose. 3. Be able to recognize Now it is a time for the students to recognize the vocabularies taught in the class. This stage’s primary goal is to get students recognize what they have receptively learned to go to the stage of productivity. The secondary goal of this stage is to consolidate the knowledge of what has been taught to them. 4. Be able to read This stage is important despite being difficult according to the student background. The reading meant here is sight reading. This will help the learners to benefit from what they know in a wide range of skills and expands the leaners’ ability for the future English life. 5. Be able to spell Spelling the words is not an easy work for the beginners especially when it comes to spelling words by heart. The teacher decision according to the students’ abilities is the final decision. It may be enough to say the spelling in sight. 6. Be able to use This is the most important part for the learners to reach. It is a target of learning to attain the active usage of the language. Some kinds of small sentences will serve the process. How to teach Let us suppose we want to teach vocabularies concerning places – park, bank, school, etc. Engage 1 Use pictures to brainstorm or even a simple question in the common language of the class. Try to get students brainstorming the vocabularies about places in class. It’s not important for the words to be in English; the main purpose is to get their minds to what is meant to be dealt with. Encourage students to say something in English if they know. Study 1 Teaching the meaning With the help of the visual aids, show the students the image and elicit the words. If some students try to repeat the words in any pronunciation, it is ok. Study 2 Now using the same aid let the students repeat after you. Do that as a class, groups and individuals. Study 3 Now let the students recognize the words through the pictures. If possible to use gestures, it is also alright. Try to find different ways of representing the meaning for the students to call out the words. Activity 1 Use the flashcards for the students to pick and to choose another to say the word. Make it as a game. Engage 2 Teaching reading Show the students some pictures the well recognize and ask the students for the first sound of the words. If possible, let the students try to say the first letter of the sound. Study 4 Present the picture and the written word for the students to start picturing the word spelling. Read the words pointing each to the letters. Let the students read. Present words without images and let the students read. Activity 2 Give the students the sheets written the words in it. In pairs, let the pairs read the words. Activity 3 Let the students read the words on the board. Engage 3 Teaching spelling With one word on the board, let the volunteer spell the word. You can try some more volunteers if it is going well. Activity 5 Let the students use the sheets you gave them before to spell the words in pairs. Change the pairs. Engage 4 Ask a simple and clear question for the students to say out the place. Gestures are also fine. Study 5 Use the pictures to let students understand the situation and let them say the word. A picture of a sick person, for example, and the students say “HOSPITAL”. Activity 6 Give the students the flashcards for understanding the situation, and the rest for the answers. A student shows the situation and the one who has an answer shows the flashcard of the answer or say the word. Conclusion Teaching vocabularies in this way will help students acquire the fortune of the basic language element well and will have a good future on this language.