Teach English in Guanshan Zhen - Yangquan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guanshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yangquan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

While attending a foreign language class during my time at High School and University I realized that they often would only teach us the polite way to say things. I disagreed with this way of teaching because I thought that when a student learns a new language they should be able to understand all the forms of the language that they can. If you do not teach slang, or informal terms in the classroom, the students will never know what a speaker means when they come across it in a real life situation. The goal with learning a new language is to understand another person, another culture. The goal of a language class is to prepare a person for an encounter such as that. If we do not teach them slang then many second language speakers will never know a large portion of vocabulary that is used in everyday life. Now, many teachers would say that they don't want their students using that language, that vocabulary. Sure, I understand that. However, outside of the classroom the teacher doesn't have jurisdiction. People will say what they want to say. You can make a rule, to say that they cannot say or use slang in the teacher's class. However, outside of the class, that is the student's business. When a student is out in the real world, they need to be as prepared as can be. They need to know the language. They don't have to use slang in the classroom in order to accomplish that. They do need to learn about it though. A teacher can set a no use of slang rule within the classroom, but they should be able to listen, and recognize slang language. Many young people use slang, and it can get confusing for English Second Language speakers to understand when a native speaker uses something such as an abbreviation, an idiom, or a pop culture term. These are all things that need to be taught in the classroom. I am a strong believer in this. A teacher must prepare his or her students for real life encounters. Not for meeting an Emperor, that is unrealistic. In the classroom, talk about what is polite and impolite. Explain this to the students. This is important for them to know so that when they speak to a future boss, or a work associate they can be polite and professional. Still, teach them to also talk with friends. Many studies have shown that those who understand and can use slang are more popular, and do make friends easier. This is something very important for non native speakers who are spending time in a foreign land. Slang, believe it or not, has a big part in society, and one cannot just decide not to learn it without paying some social consequences. As stated previously, those who understand slang have a higher chance of making friends. Those who don't are often looked on as unintelligent in some way. Especially in the United States, emotional intelligence and street smarts are almost more valued than IQ. One must be able to communicate with all people in order to truly succeed. A teacher must give their student the keys to success, so that they can achieve their dreams, whatever they may be. Learning English is more than speaking formal, it is about making friends, connections, and relationships. Without any of these things, it will be hard to go far for anyone. Slang is a part of that road. The road to communication, and the road to connection. Students need to learn slang. To conclude, I know that it is very important for one to learn slang in the classroom, and for a teacher to teach it. A student must be prepared for all situations. A student needs to learn to make connections and relationships. A social life is necessary in order to succeed. Slang is a necessity to many speakers who need to make friends. A society that is driven on connection and relationships must be utilized to its fullest potential. Teachers must give their students the keys to success in a different culture.