Teach English in Dao Zhen - Yan'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yan'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher must assume many different roles as they perform the task of teaching both during the lesson and outside the lesson. By outside the lesson I am referring to the Lesson Planning, materials to be used set up and classroom organisation. During the lesson is of course the actual teaching of the students. As listed in Unit 2 there are 6 roles in total including Instructor, Facilitator, Mentor, Psychologist, Counsellor and Policeman. These roles are true for all levels of teaching and are modified to suit the age and level of the students. In the case of teaching Younger Learners, it I very important to consider their age in terms of attention span, interests and sense of imagination and fun. Perhaps even more important is to consider the potential wide diversity in their language ability levels and how best to accommodate the entire class. A teacher will take on their roles often with out realising they have even done so, and at times may even be performing multiple roles at the same time. As an Instructor, the teacher will be modelling pronunciation, demonstrating an activity or explaining the meaning of a word. As a Facilitator, the teach may be getting the classroom seating arranged in the desired manner, setting up the overhead projector or cleaning the whiteboard. The teacher’s role is to create a fantastic learning environment for the students to thrive. As a Mentor, the teacher may always arrive to the classroom early, not interrupt students when they are answering a question or always be polite and respectful. It is best to lead by example and a teacher must remember this in every interaction with their students. As a Psychologist, the teacher may comfort an upset student or discuss a personal issue out side the classroom with them in private. This is a such an important role and one that a teacher must take seriously to ensure they are caring for the students. As a Counsellor, the teacher may talk through educational path ways and the future career opportunities with a student. Lastly, as a Policeman, the teacher will manage classroom behaviour ensuring the classroom is kept in an orderly manner and sound learning environment for all the students. At times it may be better to do more of the Psychologist role and less of the Policeman role, depending on the actual true issue that is leading to the discipline concerns in a class. It is clear to see that the teach plays many vital roles both inside and outside the classroom. The skill and experience or the teacher will tell them when each role is appropriate to be played and over time this will come naturally. A good teacher will always discuss concerns and challenges with more experienced teachers, to gain a greater understanding of what role works best and when. It is important for all teachers to employ self-reflection regularly to drive their continual improvement and development. This will benefit both the teacher and most importantly the students, as the teacher slowly perfects their many roles.