Teach English in Mengyang Zhen - Xishuangbanna Daizu Zizhizhou

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This unit covers the past tenses ; past simple, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous. First, past simple is used to express completed actions in the past. The form of past simple is divided into regular verbs (cry->cried, work->worked) and irregular verbs (see-saw). To teach past simple, teachers can use curriculum vitae where students have to put their personal data, education, and work experience, using the tense. For irregular ver forms, card games such as memory pairs can be used in the classroom. Second, it’s about PAST CONTINUOUS, which indicates that a certain action was in progress at a particular time in the past. The form is ‘past tense of the auxiliary verb be(was /were) + the present participle (verb+ing)’; affirmative: subject +was / were + verb+ing, Negative: (subject+ was/ were + not verb+ing), Question : (was/ were+ subject +verb+ing). This tense is used for interrupted past action and it can express an action, which began before that time and probably continued after it. One of the teaching ideas for past continuous is mime. One of the students are miming, and the rest of students make a guess, using the past continuous form. The next past tense is PAST PERFECT, which refers to a past action and a related past action before that. The form is the following; ‘affirmative: sub+had+ past participle, negative: sub+had+ not +participle, question: had+sub+past participle.’ This tense is used as past actions in the past. This tense can be taught using story telling / writing in conjunction with other past tenses. Also, a story is shown to students, and they are asked to retell the story backwards, starting from the end and describing what had happened before. To teach this tense, teachers give the worksheet. which contains incomplete sentences and students are asked to finish the sentence, using the past perfect. The last one is PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS, which is used when continuing action in the past up until an action in the past. The form is like this; ‘affirmative: sub+had+been+verb+ing, negative: sub+had+not+been verb-ing, question: had+sub+been+verb-ing.’ In order to teach this tense, teachers have some teaching ideas for this. Finally, teachers bear in mind that they maximize student talk time, make sure that the students are suing the language freely and in an open-ended way so as to maximize or improve fluency, target language should be focused on in the lesson, and they avoid worksheet-type activities that are more suited to the study phase. Activate activities should be communicative and encourage students to use the target language spontaneously.