Teach English in Yangmingbao Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangmingbao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning a new language is a journey that can begin at home, in a classroom, on the street and even on the couch. It certainly takes some time to get fluent in a new language, but with motivation, methodology and a system of learning that can be customized, anyone has the capacity to pick up language. Knowing the variety of learning options available, why do francophone students from France have so much difficulty or hesitation to speak English? A conventional background of language teaching and learning, paired with particular cultural and historical values influencing the learning process can prevent students from acquiring the language. To help learners from the French culture achieving native-like command of the English language, the activate phase of ESA teaching technique represents the missing piece in the current education system, in France. In the French state education system, foreign languages education is taught starting primary school since 2008, and occupies one hour and a half of the students’ schedule, weekly. English weighs 90% of all foreign language classes and is taught until the French baccalauréat, i.e. until the age of eighteen. For the first time in 2013, an oral skill assessment was introduced in the program so, undoubtedly, the actual student talk time is poor and this indicates that the French education system is rather built on more “teacher telling” and less “student discovery”, contrarily to the methodology put forward in ESA. The Engage-Study-Activate (ESA) teaching model values the combination of three factors to boost learning: The motivation (Engage), the exposure (Study) and the practice (Activate) (ITTT Unit 3, p.4). In the teaching and learning methods observed in state schools, the engage and study phase are generally and culturally operated. Yet, an important element of ESA is missing and that is the activate stage. In school, the students spend a few hours learning theory, but never have the opportunity to use the language. Commonly used in France, grammar-translation has been a mainstay of language teaching and learning for hundreds of years and is still practiced in many situations. Consequently, most students are exposed to this system of learning in the state school sector (ITTT Unit 3, p.2). Again, the students “learn about the language rather than learning the language itself”, because its basic principle is “learning about a language through finding equivalents in the students’ own language and the foreign language being learned”. Another popular learning method is the lexical approach. According to this method, “it is argued that words and phrases are far better building blocks for language acquisition than grammatical structure” (ITTT Unit 3, p.3) but furthermore, widening their vocabulary does not allow students to use the language in real life situations and discussions. In addition to the lack of practice when learning a new language in the French education system, it is important to highlight the particular cultural and historical values influencing the learning process of French learners. Stating Claire J. Kramsch, language teacher and expert in intercultural communication, “language is used not just as a tool for the exchange of information, but as a symbolic system with the power to create and shape symbolic realities, such as values, perceptions, identities through discourse”. It is easy to understand that language is a big part of culture, thus to acquire a language, one must be curious and willing to dig in the foreign culture as well. When talking about culture, France is well recognized. Think about historical monuments and landmarks, art and food, just to mention a few. However, Kevin D. Aslan sarcastically, but perfectly, describes it: “the French have managed to convince the world that so many parts of its history, culture and products are superior” (What is France famous for?). When it takes a degree of effort and preparedness to embrace differences, the desired humbleness is clearly hard to find it in the French culture. English learners from a French nationality will often take the easy route and use direct translation and/or ignore the foreign language’s phonetics and pronunciation. This is why the Activate stage of ESA is so important and should be present in classes and lessons. Through activities such as role-plays, games, debates, story-writing and presentations, activating focuses on language construction and fluency, and requires students to use the language communicatively, “along with the rest of their language knowledge” (ITTT Unit 3, p.18). Certainly, using the activate stage would complement the current French education system. Increasing the student talk time to use the language freely and communicatively through activities can certainly help French students to acquire the English language completely. Recently, the French Senate has brought suggestions to the table in order to promote diversification and foreign language education, as well as a more attractive and efficient learning program designed for the variety of students’ learning skills. ESA is an effective methodology that could be implemented in the context of a revised state education learning program. Bibliography La place des langues dans le système éducatif en France [online]. Véla De Vraies Écoles de Langues [read July 10th, 2019]. Rapport d’information Propositions pour l'enseignement des langues étrangères en France [online]. Sénat [read July 5th, 2019]. Language Learning and Culture [online]. Strategies in language learning [read July 10th, 2019]. What is France famous for? [online]. Quora [read July 9th, 2019]. Unit 3, Theories, methods and techniques. ITTT 003 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training, 28 p.