Teach English in Yangfangkou Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangfangkou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER: WHAT IMPORTANCE IS THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER TO THE SOCIETY? A teacher is defined by the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus is a person who instructs or trains others especially in a school. According to Vijay Kumas teachers play an important role in our life to become successful in our career and business. A good teacher helps the student become good human beings in the society and good citizens of the country. Teachers know that students are the future of every nation. So the future development of any nation is in the hands of teachers. What we become in life depends on teachers. Teachers impact the data and information in the brain of students to analyze. A lot of people undermine the role the teacher plays in our society and I honestly don't understand why. Come to think of it, without teachers all other profession will not be in existence because; same teachers taught and nurtured the doctors, nurses,architect, lawyers etc. I understand that some teacher's give the profession a bad name because of the way they carry their selves or character they may have; that should not justify why teachers should be looked down on. In my country, teaching is one of the lowest paid professions and is not encouraging. Anyone that hear you say you are a teacher automatically sees you as someone who is suffering. Some parent get really upset when their kids say they want to go into the teaching profession. One sunny afternoon a friend came to my house and after a while he asked if I wanted to be a teacher like my sister. I was so angry and I told him never to bring that type of bad prayer close to me again. Fast forward to after graduation I didn't have anything doing, so I decided to apply for a teaching job just for the money. But after a while I forgot about the money and I fell in love with the very pure nature of these kids,found out they need nurturing, guidance from their teachers and I knew I had found purpose and a reason to press forward. Teachers don't know the value they have, and the earlier we know our worth, that is when other people will begin to value and respect the teaching profession. I knew I had an important role to play in the lives of these kids and If I do my job well, these kids will not forget in a hurry. My experience has been challenging and rewarding in many ways. I fell ill and I couldn't come to work for 2 days when I eventually came back, my students were elated and so was I. But something shocking happened a boy walked up to me and said they alway notice me walk to school from home and back; was that why you fell ill? I smiled and told him No but this sweet boy said something , he said Miss Cynthia, since am not old enough I will tell my dad to get you a car so you don't fall ill and leave us again. Oh! How I wept, as a teacher when u know the type of influence you have on a child you begin to carry your self with so much importance. A teacher is a mentor, care giver, best friend, fighting partner, role model, pillar, counselor, protector, and any other attribute you can ever think of. A teacher is kind, generous, patient, smiles often, slow to anger, slow to speak, always listening, courageous and above all a super human. Teachers are a rear gift to the world and I tell you this with every sense of pride in my body. I am proud to be a teacher and I won't trade it in for anything else. Reference Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary and Thesaurus.