Teach English in Yangfang Koumeikuang Shenghuoqu - Xinzhou Shi

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It is one of the major topics in teaching English Tenses are important for establishing sentences.It is a building a block of English.People use it when they want to express themselves in what time frame.Without the tense of a sentence,we can not figure out what time the incident took place.There are twelve different structures in English.Although there are twelve tenses.There are only two times we can qualify as past and present tenses, and usage places in English is as below; am PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: is + V(ing) are USAGE:At the time of speaking,when talking about ongoing events,with future meaning. TIME EXPRESSİONS:Now,right now,at the moment,this week/month/year,these days,tonight,this evening,nowadays. EXAMPLE1:We are staying at a hotel these days. EXAMPLE2:I am chatting on the net now. EXAMPLE3:What are you doing? State Verbs:State verbs show state, not action,and we do not use them in continuous tenses.Some of them are: love,like,hate,want,understand,believe,think, know,remember,need,belong. EXAMPLE4:I want ice cream now.We do not know how to solve this exercise. am PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE: is ,do + V(s) are does USAGE:Headlines,natural events and general truths,repeated actions,scheduled events in the near future. TIME EXPRESSION:everyday,week, month,on mondays,at the weekend,at the weekends, once /twice/three times a week,in the morning/afternoon/evening,at night. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY:we use adverbs of frequecy to show how often something happens. never: /rarely:x /sometimes:xx /often:xxx /usually:xxxx / always:xxxxx Adverbs of frequency go:before main verbs( we sometimes play basketball with our friends) after the verb(mum is usually at home in the evening) EXAMPLE1:I drink milk in the morning. EXAMPLE2:The sun rises in the east. EXAMPLE3:It rains a lot in London. SIMPLE PAST TENSE: was ,did,verb(2) were USAGE:Completed action in the past.Habits in the past(used to) TIME EXPRESSIONS:Yesterday,last week/month/two years ago,in 1985. EXAMPLE1:I went to the gym yesterday EXAMPLE2:She made a delicious a cake two hours ago EXAMPLE3:It did not drink milk Note:The past tense is formed by adding d/ ed to most verbs. Ex:work-worked/finish-finished. some verbs have irregular past verbs.Ex:have-had /go-went. USED'TO:we use "used to + verb "to talk about past habits or states. Example:I used to drink milk in the morning when I was a child. Example:where were you yesterday? -I was in İstanbul yesterday. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: was + V(ing) were USAGE:to talk about actions in progress at a specific time in the past. to talk about two actions that were in progress at the same time in the past. TIME EXPRESSIONS:At that time / moment,while,as,all day yesterday, night. EXAMPLE:My mother was ironing at 6 o'clock yesterday. My parents were watching the news while I was tidying my room. when the phone I was sleeping. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: have + V(3) has USAGE:For states that started in the past and continue in the present. for actions that happened in the past without a reference to when they happened. for experiences.For past actions with result in the present. TIME EXPRESSIONS:For, since, never,ever, yet, just, already, so far, how long...?,once,twice. EXAMPLE:we have known Ali for ten years. I have not finished my project in English. How long has your sister taken driving lessons? Note:we form the present perfect tense (he has not) with "have,has" and the past participle.To form the past partipciple of regular verbs,we add "ed"However, some verbs irregular past participles. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: have + been + V(ing) has USAGE:it is used to describe an action that has begun in the past and continues with no interruption. If the evidence is observed,it will be explained at this time. it is used to describe an event from the past that has come over again. it is used to describe how long anything goes on. TIME EXPRESSIONS:For,since,all day,all week every moment EXAMPLE:I have been working on this project since nine o'clock this morning PAST PERFECT TENSE: Had + V(3) USAGE:Completed action before something in the past. TIME EXPRESSIONS:Before,after, already,for, since, just,until,by,by the time, never. EXAMPLE:She had already set the table when the quests arrived PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Had +been + V(ing) USAGE:duration before something in the past. EXAMPLE:He had been working on a report all night,so he felt very tired the following. she had been swimming in the pool for along time.Her eyes were red and itchy when she came out. she had been standing in the rain for 30 minutes before she got a taxi home. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE: Will+ V(1) USAGE:for predictions about the future,often with words/phrases like maybe,perhaps,probably,I promise,I think,I hope,I'm sure,I am afraid. for decisions at the moment of speaking. TIME EXPRESSIONS:Today,tomorrow,next saturday/week/..., in the future. EXAMPLE:perhaps people will live in space in the future It is hot in here; I will open the window. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE: be + going to + V(1) USAGE:for future plans or intentions for predictions based on what we can see TIME EXPRESSIONS:Tomorrow,next saturday/week/weekend... EXAMPLE:They are going to fly to Ankara next month. I am going to invite all my classmate to my party. Look at clouds.It'is going to rain. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE: will be +V(ing) USAGE:Action in progress at a time in the future Interrupted action in the future EXAMPLE:This time tomorrow,I will be driving to Bodrum. she will be singing in the concert tomorrow. THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: Will have + V(3) USAGE:Action finished before a point in the future. TIME EXPRESSIONS:by,by the time,before,until,by then. EXAMPLE:He will have left the hotel by ten today FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: will have been + V(ing) USAGE:Duration before something in the future. TIME EXPRESSIONS:by,for. EXAMPLE:By the time I finish school,I will have been studying English for ten years. MULTIPLE TENSES: We studied tenses here.If events are linked in a sentence, we can use multiple tenses in the sentence. EXAMPLES:I have heard that Ali left Ankara this evening, and has already arrived in İstanbul,where he will be for the next two weeks. In this sentence there is the Present Perfect,Simple Past Tense and the simple future tense, but they all show a sequence in harmony. *They took a novel last week and are reading it now they will soon finish their novel. *I bought one plane ticket yesterday I am packing right now I am flying to Washington tomorrow night. *I have had a car accident and now I am in hospital. *I have eaten lunch, so I am not hungry now. *My brother sold his old car two months ago, and he is buying a new car now. *Ali has broken his arm and now he can not write. finally, tenses are mixed grammatical subjects for students and teachers.There have to be adequate and good resources in the hands of teachers and effective tests that they can give to students.The teacher should use the course time most efficiently. He should always be patient and understanding with his students,listen to them,encourage them in class, and the teacher should always improve himself.