Teach English in Yancheng Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yancheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Lesson planning is one of the most important things a teacher can do to provide a positive dynamic flow in the classroom. Having a outline of what the lesson of the day is good to keep around as it can be used as a small guideline to refer to. This lesson plan can be used as a working document, a record and importantly an aid to planning. Lesson planning is a great way to keep students engaged and the teacher fully aware of what they would like the students to have learned before the lesson is over. When writing down lesson plans it should always be kept simple. So that when the teacher needs to refer to it, it’s easy to see what has been written. For example: small bullets of what each part of the lesson might be. Do not try to script the lesson as this will only further confuse you, the teacher more. Once you’ve figured out the structure of the lesson you are teaching make sure you maintain the same structure. Keep the lesson flexible and open to change incase things don’t always go to plan. If you are able to properly write down a brief structured lesson plan, it will benefit both the teacher and students. Students will feel the proper flow of the class and notice their teacher is fully aware and not confused and making the lesson harder to understand. What should be included in a lesson plan? When writing your lesson plan always make sure you have a good structure to it. Learner objectives should be one of the priorities written on your lesson plan, this is what you’d like the students to have learned and taken away from the lesson that day. Having a theme around the lesson is also very important, make sure to tie this theme to past and possible future lessons. Having the proper materials handy for the lesson is also very key. If you plan to do a ESA lesson (Engage, Study, Activate) make sure all the proper handouts or objects to be used in the activity are easily accessible. Having proper interaction times is something to keep in mind. Who will be interacting at certain points. Students? Teacher? Always have a small understanding of how many students will ne attending class so all the activities you have planned will work with the size. These are all some key points needed when making a lesson plan and to ensure the students learn in a fun environment. Lesson planning is one of the most important features of being an outstanding teacher. This allows teachers to evaluate on their own knowledge of the curriculum of the lesson being taught. This always makes the students engage more as they are not referring to textbooks because the lesson plan is original to the teacher and can be created into a fun learning environment. Keeping the students engaged and positive is key when writing a lesson plan and will prove to show the students have learned and left the classroom happy. This is the most rewarding feeling for a teacher, knowing your students have taken something from the lesson and as well as your lesson plan proved to have been structured properly.