Teach English in Tianfengping Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tianfengping Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Every teacher could individually have different and unique qualities, but what exactly makes a good teacher? There are some traits a teacher should have when engaging students in a classroom. The purpose of this essay is to share my personal opinion on the most essential qualities of a teacher. Some of these qualities mentioned in the essay will apply to any teacher teaching any subject. There are many roles and responsibilities an English teacher must handle while educating the students. According to research studies, the teacher’s personality and teaching qualities are the most important factors in terms of a student’s learning progress. This not only applies to English teachers but every other teacher as well. Out of the numerous attributes a teacher could have, he/she should have a positive mindset in teaching, patience toward any student and high knowledge in his/her subject. In order to teach students effectively, a teacher must sincerely enjoy teaching them. Personally, this quality is the most essential to have as an educator or an instructor. According to Syed Hunbbel Meer, “if something doesn’t work, they’ll work tirelessly until they find a solution” (Syed Hunbbel Meer, 2018). A teacher that loves to teach would do their best in creating the most successful lesson for the students. In contrast, a teacher who feels uncomfortable or frustrated with their job could sound monotonous during a lesson or come into class unprepared. As a result, students might become reluctant and uninterested. On top of that, the students won’t learn anything from the teacher. Actions that engaging teachers would apply would include building stronger relationships with the students, communicating with them and understanding them. Out of those actions, communication is very important. Daniel Tanguay, a senior associate dean, admits himself: “As a leader, communication is a tool for overcoming fear” (Emily Dennison, 2019). This connects with the quality of enjoying teaching, because a teacher who loves their job would want to know the student’s hobbies, dream job and their favorite food instead of just knowing their name. If an English teacher is especially handling a class of kids or starters, patience is an extremely necessary quality to have. David Tomar claims himself: “if you are quick to anger… you may not have the best disposition to be a teacher” (David A. Tomar, 2019). This is absolutely true and approving. There are ways to interpret patience that can be applied in class. For example, a student may need more than five seconds to answer a question during a lesson. In this case, it would be best for the teacher to understand that the student needs to think before answering. It is not okay to call on another student without giving him/her the time to think, because then the student feels discouraged and doesn’t want to learn. If needed, reminders or practice could be helpful when applying tolerance. They can remind themselves to not rush things in class too quickly or “practice the art of inconspicuous meditation” (Tomar, 2019). It’s certain that patience is an important factor that separates the great teachers from the lacking ones. Finally, a teacher should have a depth of knowledge about the subject that is taught. In addition to that, “passion inspires deeper knowledge” (Meer, 2018) and experience is significant because the practice develops the teaching elements. A passionate teacher would want the students to learn as well as enjoying the process. He/she would use the time to prepare illustrations to use during class. Not to mention, the more the teacher knows, the more the students will gain from the teacher’s lessons. According to Meer: “If a teacher lacks knowledge in a subject, that dearth of understanding is passed along to the students” (Meer, 2018). If the English teacher doesn’t have enough detailed knowledge about English, then he/she won’t be able to answer many questions the students could potentially have, and students will not obtain much from the lesson as well. All in all, everyone has different opinions about what qualities of a teacher are the most significant. However, it is absolutely pivotal for an English teacher to have a positive mindset about teaching, a positive attitude towards the students, and mastery of English. These factors provide a lesson on not only learning experience as a teacher, but also on entertainment for themselves and the students. Meer, Syed Hunbbel. “Top 9 Characteristics and Qualities of a Good Teacher.” Owlcation, Accessed 11 July 2019. Dennison, Emily. “10 Qualities of a Good Teacher.” Southern New Hampshire University, Accessed 11 July 2019. Tomar, David A. “The 10 Realistic Qualities of Outstanding Teachers.”, Published 18 September 2018, Accessed 11 July 2019.