Teach English in Shijiazhuang Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shijiazhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The language of modern businesses across the world is English. A large amount of media is in English, and Ivy league universities teach in English. As a result, non-native English speakers need to learn English. There is a huge demand for teachers of English in countries like China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines. To satisfy demand Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification course was developed. TEFL courses maybe 20, 60, 120, or 250 hours long. They are designed to train fluent speakers of English how to teach the language to non-native speakers. Completing a TEFL course can be very fruitful and rewarding. The overall quality of an individual’s life may improve because it is a cheaper, time-saving alternative to a teaching degree, it gives enough flexibility to work in another country or even from home, it turns the ability to fluently read, write, speak, and understand English into a potential career, and if one is a teacher the knowledge adds experience. Teaching degrees can often cost tens of thousands of US dollars and can take up to three or more years to complete. TEFL certificates, on the other hand, can cost anywhere from free to a few thousand US dollars. They also can take several days to months to complete. In the case of the online course, one can complete the course at their own pace at home from a computer. Completing a TEFL certificate is an excellent way to find out if one likes teaching. In addition to all of this, it is also easier to recoup one’s investment from a TEFL certificate than a degree. TEFL work is also easy to find in certain countries. Teachers may work somewhere for several months and then move on, whereas some teachers work somewhere where they feel at home and stay for years. TEFL certificates can make one highly employable in foreign countries. They also make it significantly easier to migrate to a foreign country as work permits are easy to acquire because of them. Living in another country offers much personal and individual growth as one must learn to adjust to new cultures, people, social situations and norms, environments, and language. These circumstances allow one the chance to network meet new people and learn a new language. Each of these things makes one grow both personally and professionally. Most people do not choose to teach English as a Foreign Language as a career. They instead use it as a great temporary job. Teaching can be flexible as many persons work part-time. This allows teachers to have more time for personal development and to find work in preferred fields. Working online from home is also a possibility if traveling to a foreign country is not appealing or a possibility. For stay at home parents or people looking after elderly or sick relatives, the certificate can provide a great source of income while simultaneously exposing them to another culture and language through online interactions. TEFL certification turns the language one already speaks into a marketable asset thus providing mobility and flexibility to anyone that has certification. TEFL courses have a very steep yet short learning curve. It turns the basic receptive and productive English skills into more valuable assets. Within a very short time, one can become a competent and confident teacher. This is great for persons who want a change in career paths. Taking the course can allow for that rapid change. In a new TEFL career, one spends their days surrounded by students and it can be extremely uplifting to see that being an effective teacher can make a difference in students’ lives. As a teacher myself, I see where the course has changed my own personal outlook and methodology in the classroom. As a teacher, I must say that taking a TEFL course has been very stimulating and I had gotten the chance to apply some methods in classes (non-English classes at that) and the results were amazing. TEFL uses the communicative approach and when one applies this to their existing methods there is a noticeable improvement in the responsiveness of students. Their participation also goes up and the interest increases as well. These create also greatly improved my own confidence and class control as well. Teaching English as a foreign or second language is a booming industry. This means there is a high demand for individuals who are suitably qualified to teach English to non-native English speakers. The relatively low cost of a TEFL certificate, when compared to a traditional teaching degree, makes it a very attractive alternative. It provides an opportunity to gain teaching experience as well as earning an extra or primary source of income. Since a TEFL certification gives the training to teach English to non-native speakers, it gives the chance to travel to exotic and new countries. Traveling can open an individual’s perspective on life and gives people the chance to see other cultures, learn new languages, skills, philosophical tenets to add to one’s own life, etc. If traveling to new places does not suit someone who has a TEFL certificate the option to work at home online is also available, this gives one more freedom to experience their own country and have more personal time for friends, family, and self. Finally, a TEFL certificate can turn the language you speak every day into a wonderful career filled with fulfilling experiences of helping young or new learners of English. Getting TEFL certification can truly be rewarding and fulfilling career choice and teaching doesn’t have to be a job for a lifetime. It can be a lot of fun and is a great way to broaden your horizons and become a diverse global citizen.