Teach English in Longquan Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Longquan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In an effective classroom, the teacher and students work through the course material together; however, it is the teacher’s duty to manage the classroom. Ultimately, it is the teacher’s lesson plan that the class is being enacted , but it is not the goal. The goal is for the students to comprehend the material and language. Good classroom management takes a class from a good lesson plan to a successful lesson. One of the most important management functions that a teacher has is to maintain discipline. Bad behavior can stem from places inside or outside the classroom. A teacher may not have the ability to affect the source of the problem, but that does not mean the teacher should delay. The teacher should stop the behavior as quickly as necessary while focusing on the behavior and not the student as an individual. It is important to keep calm, change seating if needed, and follow the disciplinary code of the school. Good rapport can help prevent bad behavior while improving the likelihood of success for a lesson. A teacher should have effective rapport with their students because it helps students enjoy the lesson more, and encourages them to participate. Clear direction, a happy demeanor, displaying interest, eliciting answers, and taking comments or opinions are good ways for a teacher to build rapport. It is also vital for students to have rapport with each other. This will make group work more effective. A good way to produce good student to student rapport is to have ice-breaking activities early on in the early lessons. Changing partners and groups keep students interacting with a wider variety of people. As a teacher, you should know who works well and who works poorly with each other. Basic, non-verbal communication is important for any teacher, but given that the students are learning language, non-verbal communication is vital for managing a classroom. Tone of voice can be used to indicate instruction or just to liven up a lesson. Eye contact is a good way to indicate who a teacher expects to be speaking, keep discipline, and to encourage. Teachers can use gestures to highlight direction. This is especially useful for classes that are less familiar with the language. It is important to strike a balance between entertaining and teaching. Not all good classroom managers are active and extroverted. In fact, some extroverted teachers may be more entertainer than instructor. Introverts can also be good classroom managers by being effective with their leadership and instruction. There are times in a lesson when the focus should be on what the teacher is saying; however, a teacher should not hog the spotlight. A good time for teacher focus or teacher talk time (TTT) is when giving directions, setting up games or group work, presentations (especially in grammar lessons), and modeling the language. Student talk time (STT) is where the students are learning at their most effective, so STT is vital to the learning process. During the engage stage of a lesson, students need to openly use the language to warm up to English. Teachers will want to focus heavily on STT while in this stage. As the study phase of the lesson begins, a teacher should start to take over more and control the conversation. In the activity phase, the teacher will want to talk the least. This is to allow the students to stay confident and open in their participation. Sometimes a teacher may need to correct a student, but it is important to not over correct. Part of managing a classroom is knowing when to let students experiment or even correct themselves. Classroom management is vital to success as a teacher in the classroom. There are times to give slack as a teacher, and times to control the classroom. Teachers can be energetic or introverted, but if they manage the classroom well, then they can be good teachers. Building rapport and using non-verbal communication can help teachers in our goals. To achieve our goals as teachers, we must manage the classroom effectively.