Teach English in Liujiata Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liujiata Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English in my opinion is a difficult task as many know why, dealing with different kind of personalities might not be an easy Job, there will always be something bothering you inside in your mind while doing everything that is best for your carrier, it can be stressful and even sometimes you might not find solutions to the problems but when we talk about the qualities of a teacher we find that being a teacher is beyond the expected because a good teacher has to understand the needs of the children or the person they are teaching to (they might be adults too), knowing what they need to learn and how patience they need to be in order to give the best of themselves. A teacher has to demostrate love for the students in the first place as this is the most important to start with to be able to build a relationship with the students so they can feel confident with the teacher and give their best in learning, it is also important to understand that a teacher has to be able to do what it is expected like the lesson plans to be creative and concise on the lesson so the students are able to understand. A teacher has to be a model for the students to follow, as they learn what the teacher teaches so the teacher has to have an strong body language for the student to be able to understand what is being taught in the class. Also a teacher has to be the one who inspires the students, one that give the students courage by praising them when they do what is supposed to be done by them, this is a way of telling the student that they are doing an excellent job and be able to keep going with the lesson even if they didn't do it correctly or the right way this will encourage them to do it better next time. The teacher has to be a happy person that expresses love for them by doing the right things in the circle that applies as a teacher (not getting advantage of it just to make it clear). A good teacher also has to have good communication with the students to help the students prepare for pronunciation as well, speaking when it is necessary will help the students get a better idea of the lesson, ( with no doubts this is one of the important qualities of a teacher because if a teacher is not able to speak up then nothing will be worth because the student need an strong speaker so they can learn faster) The teacher has to be supportive too, when the students can't keep up with the lesson the teacher has to give them the support they need in any aspect that can be required it can be as a friend too so they feel comfortable trusting the teacher this way the teacher can deal with their personals issues speaking with their parents about any problem related to the student as this can be one of the causes some aren't able to learn, in this course I learned that a teacher has to be the psychologist of the class so this might be one of the reason why. A teacher has to respect the students as well being able to do this will make the student respect the teacher automatically too. Respect is another important quality a teacher has to have to be decent and do the best they can even knowing that is hard sometimes to keep up with the students therefore all these qualities will make the class and the teacher to be able to make their relationship stronger and learn together as a class.