Teach English in Guoyang Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guoyang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When I ask myself what is the role of a teacher, there are three things that come to mind; to teach, motivate and support. Of course it’s a teacher’s responsibility to educate the students on the curriculum they are supposed to be learning. But there is a definite difference between just relaying the information to the students than actually teaching them. Too often, students in classrooms do not actually learn the material. Instead they just regurgitate it back on paper for a test or worksheet, without really remembering it. Although this is good for just exams and passing the class, it’s the job of the teacher to make students want to actually learn the information. Because it is pretty difficult to learn something when you really don't want to.Teachers have to make lessons and activities appeal to the students, and cater the curriculum to fit their interest. The second primary role would be to motivate the learners. Depending on the age level and the student’s reasons for taking the class, some may already be very driven and motivated. However, there may be others that aren’t so ready and willing to learn. The teacher should analyze the students, and ask them questions about what different activities or things they like. Everyone has different learning styles, so it is important to incorporate many different techniques to boost classroom involvement and student contribution. Another way the teacher can motivate students is opening them up to new opportunities. The teacher is someone who should always encourage and be uplifting. They are there only to help them move forward and succeed. Maybe there is a student in the class who one day wants to become an english teacher themselves. Some teachers have more familiar bonds with the students and can sometimes serve as mentors. This can be a very important thing for students because you do not know what a student’s life is like outside of the classroom. It can also help them discover their passions they didn’t realize they had. Therefore, it is very crucial teachers are positive and make a good impact in the lives of their students. The last aspect, and possibly the most important is support. The students definitely cannot teach themselves the material. They need someone to guide them and be a helping hand when necessary. When students take a class, they look to the teacher for help and for any other additional knowledge on the topic at hand, this means, teachers have to be adequately prepared. Prepared for all lessons, questions and anything else that may arise in the classroom. The teacher needs to gain the confidence of their students so that they trust and feel comfortable with learning from them. Teachers should also offer support by establishing a rapport with students and getting to know them. No one wants to be viewed as just more money or another number. In addition to that, the teacher must make themselves available to the students. If they seem too cold or distant, the students won’t be so willing to ask questions or share information.All of these different factors together are the foundation of a good teacher and good students. So in conclusion,out of all the parts that teachers play in the classroom and the lives of students, one could definitely say they are all of equal importance.