Teach English in Echeng Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Echeng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It was a newsfeed advertisement from a month ago in my “Facebook” account that rekindled my interest in getting a TESOL Certificate. Sometime in 2016, I first came to know about TESOL as one of my friends went to Japan to teach English, and he shared that he was being required to have a TESOL Certificate. Unfortunately at that time, I did not have spare funds and so I forgot about the certificate and went on as usual with my life as an employed individual in my country. Then, just recently, I saw the newsfeed I mentioned earlier which was actually an invitation for an ONSITE TESOL Seminar for a fee roughly equivalent to USD $200. It was to happen for two and a half weekends (Saturday and Sunday) this July 2019. And so I asked my friend if he is familiar with the organization/agency conducting said onsite seminar. Unfortunately, he wasn’t and my own “google” search about the company did not give me any solid or specific information with regard to the organization conducting the onsite TESOL seminar/lecture. As I looked for other alternatives, I happened to see my 2016 e-mail inquiry with your institution and I had to make a decision on whether to take an ONLINE TESOL course or to pursue the ONSITE TESOL course, considering that the fee offered by both is among the most affordable seminar fees I have come across. THE FACTORS for consideration in choosing between an online or onsite TEFL/TESOL Course. With an ONSITE TESOL/TEFL COURSE, the following are worth considering: 1. There is actual real-time physical interaction with your fellow students and your teacher/trainer: As the training/course is on-site, the student can actually interact with the teacher – immediately ask questions or clarifications – and immediately get answers. Likewise, the student may ask for assistance from his/her fellow students. 2. The burden of understanding the course or lesson may not fall upon heavily with the student – as the student, as mentioned in above, may immediately ask question/s if and when he/she is not clear about something. The teacher may explain lengthily if necessary in order to address the needs of the students in understanding the concepts. 3. The quality/expertise of the trainer/teacher conducting the course may influence the learning of the student – it being an onsite course, the teaching methodology and the expertise of the teacher may influence the quality of learning of the student. 4. In an onsite TEFL Course, the “activities” recommended may be “tested” by the students in a group class activity – Concepts discussed in the ESA phases may be “demonstrated” instead of just being discussed so that the student will actually have an actual experience on how a particular activity is facilitated and how long it takes. In other words, you can say that there is sort of an “immersion” instead of just theories and concepts. 5. An Onsite TEFL/TESOL course may be more enjoyable – as the student has a teacher and fellow students to share the experience with. 6. There is a specific timetable which is usually SHORTER than the period allowed to finish an online course – and if a student is able to finish quickly, rather than being given a general 3 to 6 month-period allowed in an online course, he/she can get a certificate earlier and have its benefits earlier as well. 7. The expenses may be more costly than the ONLINE Course offering – as the student may have to spare a budget for transportation, meals and other expenses, if necessary. 8. The student cannot dictate the time/day to learn the course – as the student will have a specific schedule/time for the training/course. With an ONLINE TESOL/TEFL COURSE, the following are worth considering: 1. There is likely No real-time physical interaction with your fellow students and your teacher/trainer: In most online courses, the student is alone as he/she is usually allowed to choose the time AND PACING of the lesson. 2. The burden of understanding the course or lesson may fall heavily upon the student – In as much as some online courses offer a tutor to assist the students, a teacher available onsite may do better in addressing the actual needs of the student/s as the student may not be able to express clearly his/her queries and clarifications. 3. In an online TEFL Course, the “activities” recommended will not be required to be “tested” by the students. – Concepts discussed in the ESA phases may be explained clearly in the course book or material, but there is requirement to actually experience the recommended activities being discussed in the units during the duration of the course. 4. The student taking an online course should have more discipline and determination – as he or she is only required to finish the course in a span of three to six months. Other than that, if the student does not want to or does not have the time to study the units (say, for a full month or so) he or she is may do so as long as he/she finishes the course within the period allowed. 5. (in line with No. 04 above) An online course gives students more flexibility and freedom to dictate the pacing and time of the lesson. The students may student anytime and any day. 6. An online course is usually less costly – as the students are usually asked a FIXED FEE without consideration to transportation cost and other miscellaneous expenses usually incurred in attending an onsite course. Considering the forgoing factors, it is actually up to the individual as to what method will suit him/her best in learning TEFL/TESOL. Anyway, the end-goal is similar, to learn TESOL/TEFL concepts in order to teach English effectively to students, especially those whose are non-native English learners.