Teach English in Dongye Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dongye Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Ever since we were young, we have always heard the phrase “English is the language of the world”. Whether it’s for science, for business, for tourism, for learning. Wherever you go in the world, and no matter what language you speak, you will ask if the person in front of you speaks English in hope to find a common ground language. When someone does not speak English in most communities, a question follows them: “why don’t you speak any English” or “How is your level in English”. People all around the world look for international schools and English speaking schools to find the perfect education for their children in hope to get into a reputable university one day and find a decent and successful career. Why English? Simple, It is the language of the world. In most parts of the world, if English is not on your CV, chances are that you will not get the Job. If you want to be a great scientist, you need to speak English to be able to publish your researches in a language that the world will understand. If you want to be an engineer, you need English to be able to study all of the materials, and later when working, be able to communicate with other fellow engineers from other countries to complete the project that you are working on. If you want to be a tour guide, just imagine a tour guide with no English! If you want to be involved in finance, accounting, business, etc. English is the Language of money! Even if you want to be a blogger or a youtuber (modern day jobs) you will have a higher platform and a bigger audience if it was in English since the number of people who speak English around the world is very high. If you want to be a teacher in a school, even if the teaching language is not in English, you will not go far in the field without English. One example of that, from my environment, is my mom. My mom is a PYP teacher at a school that teaches in Arabic, her English is almost at an intermediate level. The reason why she was not able to be promoted to a coordinator or become a principle is because of her English. Even though she has higher qualifications of people that got the Job, she was not able to move forward. The reason for that is: She will not be able to communicate well with international parents and students. She will not be able to excel in international courses and keep up with the latest trends of international curriculum's (as a coordinator), and she will not be able to represent the school in a prestigious manner due to her lack of English. Even if she wanted to take extra certificates to enrich her teaching experience (most courses require a high native-like level of English) it will be very hard for her due to English. So as we have seen, English is the pillar of communication in the world. Many people lust after learning English to either get a job or get promoted in an already existing job. If you are in an English speaking country, you will not get hired without English (the chances and opportunities are really slim). And if you are in an English non-speaking country, English will be a big asset on your CV and will be considered as a high qualification and a plus for your employer. The world and the future really focus on English education in childhood, and the more aware the parents are in providing an English speaking environment for their children, the better the chances are for their children to find better careers when they grow up. I am a pharmacist, I studied everything in English. When I arrived to Turkey, I decided to work in a preschool as an English teacher to give more time to my 2 year old daughter and be close to her at school. So when I was looking for a school for her, I was hired based on my English at a very prestigious international English speaking kindergarten. Without my English, that would not be possible. In the end, I would want to stress on the importance of learning English to be open to the world since we are headed to a globalized era. Knowing the importance of English for different careers makes me want to teach English and be a spreader of the language. It is my mission to make people excel in their careers and have stronger CV’s, making sure they will not be left behind because of their lack of English. English is the key to a huge door of different opportunities in different fields, and without it, you will have a hard time in this era.