Teach English in Dongcun Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dongcun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is a critical component to effective teaching. It’s so expansive, it can be overwhelming to many teachers. Similar to managing a company, classroom management is comprised of several skills and techniques that teachers use to ensure that their classroom runs smooth. Simply put, classroom management is having an organized learning environment with clear sets of rules that encourage learning and provide a guideline for consequences that can help eliminate potential behavior problems. It is a very important set of skills; many educators say it’s even more important that the content that is being taught. However, there is no simple approach to follow to ensure a properly managed classroom. As such, these are some common techniques used by teachers for managing classroom to ensure effective teaching, consistency, and leading to fewer behavior problems. A crucial component of effective classroom management is building positive rapport and relationship with the students in hopes of achieving a strong classroom community. Having compassion for the students is a great way to build trusting relationships as they will see that you care about them. An effective technique to building a positive rapport is through compassion, and a sensitive understanding of the student and the possible scenario. This strategy will increase your odds of discovering the root of many problems. For example, a female student stopped doing her homework and paying attention in class. Instead of giving her daily time out or detention, simply ask her what is going on. You might find out that she might have personal family issues and as a result, paying attention in class was no longer a priority. After identifying problems, through compassion and understanding, solutions can be made to help improve her grades and overall well-being. Simply giving detention would not have identified the issue therefor prolonged the situation. By using compassion it won’t solve all your classroom management issues, but it will go a long way. Treating students with respect, they will be able to feel more comfortable in the classroom, thereby creating an atmosphere more suitable to effective learning. Secondly, the overall objective of classroom management is to have a productive learning environment while reducing behavioral problems. Sadly, it is easier said than done. To achieve this goal, having a solid management plan prior to the students arrival on the first day is essential. The idea of a classroom management plan is to keep the students accountable for misbehavior without having to yell or shout. When used properly, a classroom management plan can help allow one to command good behavior while outlining the consequences. As such, incorporated in your classroom management plan should be a set of rules that cover every imaginable misbehavior that could arise in the classroom. These rules could include listening and following directions, respecting your classmate and teachers, keeping your hands to yourself, and raising your hands before speaking. These rules are simple because the students understand them, are enforceable, and cover different types of misbehavior. Next you’ll need a identify consequences if any of the rules are broken. The best consequences should be easy to carry out and deter students from misbehaving. Another part of rule creating is to follow an order of consequences to include a warning, time-out, and talking to the parents. Having rules and consequences part of your classroom management plan will be effective in achieving the overall goal of an organized learning environment. Lastly, in order to have an effective classroom management, the students must have a clear, reliable routines and procedures. The students feel safe and secure when they know exactly what is expected of them on a daily basis. It is important for the teacher to create an environment that is predictable and productive. The teacher must create a daily routine that will make it easy for students to live up to expectations. One good routine is setting a timer for transitioning from activity to activity. Transitions can be difficult for many kids but by giving them a clear indication when to move onto the next activity can be vital to classroom management. Some teachers use visual aids such as pictures while some use alerts like the alarm on their phone. Another good procedure to implement is having a clear bathroom policy. Whether it’s having bathroom passes or raising their hand and asking for permission, the system must be clear and concise from day one. Lastly, another good routine is greeting the student at the door as they enter the classroom. Simply put, the students will behave better when they feel cared about. This is a small way to start the class on the right foot as the students will feel welcome in the classroom. In order to have good classroom management, it will require a proper classroom management plan with clear and concise daily routines and procedures in place with an emphasis on building trusting relationships with the students. Every teacher will have his or her own ideas to implement, but by following these fundamental theories will help lead one down the right path. By having a good classroom management system in place will ensure meeting the main objective of reducing misbehavior in a classroom. These management skills and techniques will help students become more creative and productive as the expectations are clearly defined and the students know what they need to do on a daily basis.