Teach English in Changlianggou Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Changlianggou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are many benefits of a child learning a foreign language at a young age. Outmost is that the first 3-5 years of life are considered the best time for children to learn a second language, and it can be as easy as acquiring knowledge of their first language (Vos, 2008) Also, second language acquisition is tightly link to increase performance in areas of social and academic development. One of the reasons I loved working with pre-school children for over 25 years is their openness, and their thirst for knowledge. They are for the most part uninhibited by our social media world and will talk more at ease. They want to have fun! They want to socialize! They want to move and create. An EFL teacher can create such an environment. Since language is abstract and intangible and EFL teacher must make language concrete and literal for early learners. Let us base our lesson around learning the name of colors. Only speak in English! Circle Time: 1. Have everyone come sit in a circle. Arouse their interest by singing “What is in here? What can it be? Is it for you or me? Let’s take a look and see what is in our suprise box today.” 2. Pull out of the surprise box or pick a student to pick out a colorful Parrot Puppet named Pete. 3. Engage the students in a discussion on what is special about Pete. If they are beginners then listen to their discussion either in their first language or in English. Do not correct them. 4. For study time the children pick up colored crackers that Petey pretends to eat (of course they will be made of paper or plastic like a lego). As Petey eats the cracker say the color of the cracker. 5. Now it is time to get moving. Have the children stand up and point to the colors that they have on their clothes. Let them talk about it for minute and then have them sit down. Stress them using the new English words they have learned. 6. Using the crackers as a model. Sing the color song to them to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” “If you’re wearing red today, red today, red today, if you’re wearing red today stand up and shout hooray!” Do for other colors. It is okay to use silly words. Art Time: 1. Now it is time to be creative. At the art tables or at their desks have available scissors, glue, and many colorful objects. You can use feathers, bright paper, flat colorful buttons, etc…Let them create and talk about what they are creating and what colors they are using. After they are done creating they will be ready to play or go outside. Before they go home you can read Brown Bear, Brown Bear to reinforce what they learned. As they go home they can show their parents their colorful creation and use their new English words. They will not automatically learn the new vocabulary it is something on going. Remember that even though they may not be telling you they know the words they are acquiring the words by listening.