Teach English in Zongzhai Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zongzhai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In some ways, taking this exam was checking a box that I needed to do in order to work in a school here in Madrid. I was not overly excited about this task but as the lessons progressed I really felt myself taking to the material. Not only did I feel myself getting more relaxed about how I see myself as a teacher but I was reassured that there is no right way to teach. Now, in saying that, I do understand there are definitely things that should be left out of the classroom and are not as useful for students to learn from but feeling out what your style will be is very exciting. Each lesson gave me the ability to imagine myself in certain situations with a class. Most of the methods described are such a good groundwork to build from. I think that incorporating all of these in some way would make for a very productive and dynamic classes. As a whole, understanding how much work teachers put into making sure their students are active in class has been incredible. I think in some ways teachers are like saints! They have to be so many things all at once while still maintaining order. Good teachers change lives and really deserve all of the credit anyone can give them. I know, in general, they are quite underpaid, so I think the system really does need a complete overhaul to better support them. To create smart, strong willed people we need smart, strong willed people teaching them! All of these terrific tools that I have learned are useless unless we have teachers that can put them into action. The best thing I have learned from my TEFL course is how many ways there are to be a good teacher. Knowing what tools you have, methods to use and how to operate a classroom has been such a great lesson. I started teaching this week and can't wait to start putting some of the things I have learned into action! Each class I teach will vary, I know, but all of the lessons can be looked at and taken apart to use some of the tools from each. Incorporating little pieces from one and adding it onto another can make any lesson feel new and fresh. For me, I want to try and keep things changing a little bit so they are always eager to see what new ideas I will come up with for them. I also want to make sure I ask them what they like and use their ideas to build lessons too. The amount of time you spend preparing for a lesson can be minimal if you make sure to use what is already at my fingertips. I feel so lucky to have so much great information to enter into these classes with! I think the students will be pleased, learn a lot and also have some fun. All in all, TEFL has opened my mind to all of the possibilities a teacher has at their disposal.