Teach English in Taer Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taer Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English has never come to my mind. Math is my favorite subject when I am a student. From what I observed and a common thinking in my country if you are good in Math, you are definitely poor in English and vice versa. All of my job experience deals with Finance such as a bank and a money transfer company. This has given me doubt if I should go and try to become an English teacher. Some questions that come into my mind are What should I teach to the class?, I don't know anything about lesson planning, teaching techniques and most especially what if the students do not learn from me. Then after browsing to several blogs about their experiences in teaching to a foreign country, the rewards and knowledge they received, the institution hired them even though they don't have experience in teaching helped me decide to enroll for TEFL certification. I personally love to travel which I believe also influence my decision to enroll. Thinking of the big responsibility of honing students to the new language, I decided to enroll for 120 hour TEFL certificate plus 50 hours for teaching to Young Learners and another 50 hours for Business English. Having these training I believe will equip me in teaching English efficiently and effectively. The best thing I have learned from my TEFL/ TESOL course is making a lesson plan. Lesson planning is one of my worries when it comes to teaching. Here in this course, I have learned several methods and techniques to develop a good and effective lesson plan. With it's in-depth definition, examples, teaching ideas and task to accomplish, it certainly equipped me in making a good lesson plan. For me, ESA (Engage, Study, activate) is like having a complete meal. Just like an appetizer, preparing your taste bud for starting a meal, I considered this as the Engage phase of the lesson. Here, the students are giving a warm-up of the lesson, arousing their interest and having them to think and speak in English. Next is the main dish which is the Study phase. This is the main focus of the lesson. After elicitation, the construction of the language followed by activities to practice vocabulary such as drilling and lastly a worksheet to gauge the knowledge acquired from the lesson. Not to forget the teacher should correct the student in this phase to enforce accurate pronunciation and understanding. The Activate phase is I considered the desert part of the meal. After being full with the main dish, a desert will be the finisher. In the Activate phase, the student should be able to use the language learned fluently and effectively. A role play or debate for advance level are good activities in this phase. Aside from the lesson plan, materials and teaching aids are also the second best thing that I have learned from this course. As an aspiring English teacher, preparing materials and teaching aids are not an easy job to do especially if you are teaching with different level of student in a day. These materials and teaching aids help in making the lesson more entertaining and interesting. To encourage the student to come to class and participate, it is the role of the teacher to make sure that the lesson is relevant and captivating to the interest of the class. Materials can be made by the teacher such as flashcards, puzzles, crosswords and picture stories to cate to the level of the student he/ she is teaching. It can be used for drilling vocabulary, memory retention, and mental exercises. Worksheets are used to counter check the knowledge gained by the student from the lesson. There may be a time that the lesson is difficult, the use of the game is an excellent way to lighten up the atmosphere or stress of both student and teacher. Bear in mind that the game should be fun, have a set of rules and relevant to the lesson. In this course, numerous websites were provided to help the aspiring teachers like me to research or use such materials in our future class. For the current teaching individual, the course provided additional knowledge and an upgrade to their skill. I am thankful that I have come across the ITTT website. It boosts my confidence to try a new challenge of teaching English in other countries. Having the knowledge I gained from this course I believe will help me a lot in dealing not only with my future lessons but also managing the class in a different level of students. I am also looking forward to a professional development to enhance my teaching skills to become a good and an effective English teacher.