Teach English in Nianlipu Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Nianlipu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English as a global language BY Aaron Osei Bonsu A language achieves a global status when it is spoken in a lot of countries. English is the most widely taught foreign language in over 100 countries including China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Egypt, Brazil and other several countries in the world. Globally, there are about 360 million native speakers and about 400 million people who speak it as second language making a total of about 760 million people worldwide. The main English countries are the United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. The earliest forms of English were a set of Anglo-frisian dialects which was brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th Century, and, it is called, the old English. The industrial Revolution created a need for more words, and British colonisation led to the adoption of many foreign words. These factors converged to create Modern English as we have it today. Today, most industries in the world use the English language as the medium of communication. This is because large number of countries speaks English language. Countries engaging in international trade are able to do so without problems because they are able to communicate with each other in one common language, which is the English language. Take the case of Brazilians who want to build a sugar factory in Ghana. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese and that of Ghana is English since Ghana has adopted it as a” lingua franca”. If the trading partners from Brazil do not understand the English language, it will be difficult for them to communicate with their Ghanaian partners to set up the sugar factory, but once some of them understands the English language, communication will become very easy which will result in the setting up of the factory. So when it comes to international trade, the ability of countries to use one language as a medium of communication is very important as it makes things easy for all trading partners. Another important industry which requires stakeholders to communicate in English is the aviation industry. Most aircraft manuals are all written in English and communications are also carried out in English. For instance, if a pilot does not understand the English language and he is flying commercial plane to United States of America and, reaches the destination, it will be difficult for him to communicate with Air Traffic Control to land the plane. The same applies to the pilot who fly’s aircraft to other parts of the world. To avoid confusion, it is a requirement for all stake holders in the aviation industry such as Pilots, Cabin crews, Air Traffic Controllers, to mention but a few, to learn and communicate effectively in the English language to make travelling easy. Again in the field of academics, most of the internationally recognized degree programs in Engineering, Medicine, Law, Business Administration among others, taught in world class universities can be found in the English speaking countries. Universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Stanford Syracuse, Pennsylvania, among others, are located in English speaking countries. These academic institutions publish a lot of journals,articles,books and research papers in the English language and anyone interested in academics, can get access to a lot of information if the persons understands the English language, hence the reason why large number of people throughout the world study and speaks the English language. Furthermore, international news outlets like the BBC and CNN which have satellite stations in different parts of the world, air their programs in English, and the ability to comprehend the language will enable you to have access to thousands of information’s especially if you are in the field of journalism and works in the print or electronic media. Nonetheless, it is important to say that while China has the world largest population with the standard Mandarin been the most widely spoken language in China, recently, it has been the government policy in China for all children of school going age to learn English as a second language. This is because China is a global trading partner and the adoption of English as a second language will make communications easy for them with their partners throughout the world It is also good to note that most of the countries which became part of the Great British Empire are now members of the Commonwealth of Nations and all of them have adopted the English language as a “lingua franca”. The commonwealth, has fifty three active members made up of 19 countries from Africa,7 countries from Asia,13 countries from the Caribbean and Americas,3 countries from Europe and 11 countries from the Pacific including Australia and New Zealand. Also, the various international organisations such as United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), International Monetary Fund (IMF), North America Treaty Organisation (NATO), among others, use the English language as the main form of communications at their meetings. Surprisingly, some countries in the Middle East requires job seekers to understand either Arabic or English language before they can apply for jobs there. This requirement forms part of the visa process. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait are a few examples. In conclusion, it can be said that since most of the English speaking countries are economically and militarily advance, and English is spoken by many other countries throughout the world, it is necessary for any country seeking to advance in area such as, trade, academics, science, technology among others, to learn the English language so that they can communicate effectively with other speakers throughout the world.