Teach English in Dabaozi Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dabaozi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivation is defined as a general desire, need or want that generates the energy required for someone to behave a particular way. Based on this definition alone we can conclude that students and teachers are in the classroom because they are motivated by either their desire, want or need. Students are in the classroom to learn a new language and teachers are there to help students improve their new language skill. Even though students are motivated to learn; we as teachers need to continually keep them engage by involving students in the lesson and making learning fun. Motivating students in the classroom is important to the success of the class and can be done by encouraging participation from the students. Some of the ways to elicit participation in the classroom is by planning ahead, learning the students names and setting the tone. When planning the lessons prior to class time, you will be able to think of ways of encouraging participation such as incorporating role plays, dividing the class into groups, having students present or write notes on the board, etc. Learning the students names creates a better connection between you and the student and it increases their participation in the classroom. In addition, knowing your student names makes them feel important and they may feel like you will call on them. From personal experience as a student; teachers would have my attention when they knew my name and I thought they would ask me a question. Another way to involve the students in the classroom is to set the tone at the beginning of the class and or on the first day of of class. Help the students see and understand that participation is encouraged and that it helps everyone in the learning process. To create greater emphasis on participation consider incorporating it into the grade. Explain to the students that participation is accounted into the grade and that questions and comments are always welcome and will be answer. To keep the students motivated and retain their attention in the classroom or in the material being presented you should consider making the lessons interactable, relatable and fun. Teaching the class by standing in front of the class and students taking notes is boring and losses interest fast. Consider having the students hands on; have them read about the subject in groups and then having them presented it to the class. This will allow them to be part of the teaching process, retain the information better and make the class interactive. Making the lessons relatable to everyday life also sparks the students interest in the classroom. When we can see the connection of the new material being presented with the real world then it makes it more important for us to know and it makes sense as to why we need to learn it. This connection helps the students become more engage and receptive to the new material being presented. Incorporating games into the lesson plan is another way of engaging students interest and making the class fun. For example if you need your students to learn vocabulary words have a “Spelling Bee” or a mini “Jeopardy” contest. There are many games that you could have in the classroom setting that will encourage the students to learn and have fun. In conclusion, teachers and students have the motivation to be in the classroom but that motivation needs to continue to be stimulated. Some of the ways to encourage student participation are: planning ahead, learning your students names, and setting the tone at the beginning of the class. Even though participation in the classroom is important we should also focus on making the lessons interactable, relatable and fun to enhance the learning process in the classroom.