Teach English in Qingyuan Zhen - Xianyang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qingyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xianyang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A global language ranks high both in terms of the number of countries where it is spoken as well as the number of people who speak that language either as native speakers or as second language speakers. People often talk about English as a global language. Statistics show that more than 350 million people around the world are speaking English as a first language and more than 430 million are speaking it as a second language. A common world language become a need with the advent of large international bodies like United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization and UNICEF(1945). The need to be able to communicate freely with one language to people all around the world, would help to reduce misunderstanding and and reduce the cost of translation. Today English has already established perference in everey nation in the fields of business, academics, science, computing, education, transportation, politics and entertainment. English is the international language of business as international trade expands every year and brings new countries into contact. Moreover most multinational companies require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a position with a top company. If anyone’s ambitions lie in science or medicine, English can not be neglected either. Much of the technical terminology is based on English words, and if someone wants to learn about the latest developments and discoveries from around the world, it can be read in journals and research reports published in English, no matter whether the scientists who wrote them are from China or Norway. And, of course, with good conversational English, scientists will be able to network and make important contacts at conferences and seminars. English also opens the doors in the academic world. As well as studying and teaching, attending international conferences and publishing in foreign journals are some of the key steps to success in academia. In order to speak at these conferences or publish in these journals, excellent English is essential. English is absolutely essential for a career in travel. As the international language of aviation, pilots and cabin crew all need to speak English. Even not up in the air, speaking English accurately will ensure to communicate with clients and suppliers all over the world. For all those reasons teaching business English has an increasing value. When teaching business people teacher will face various age groups and sectors. Teacher should be ready for tiredness of the class for the reason of that the majority of them will be from working class. Another problem that can be faced with this kind of class is that learners may cancel at the last minute because of unforeseen problems. English teachers and trainers need to accept that, for learners in the workplace, work is clearly their priority. The good thing is that they are usually motivated and have realistic expactations such as telephoning more effectively, writing more coherent emails, chairing meetings, etc. Teacher should analyse their expectations and needs. Supposing they need to learn how to handle customer complaints in English., a lesson can be created that introduces the language of handling complaints. A role play can be created in which the students provide the complaints. First they can each write a sample complaint on a piece of paper and hand in these to the teacher. Then handing back the complaints that they didn’t write themselves, they can practice handling the complaint they are given. Teacher can also ask the students to bring materials into the class. They can provide real materials from their working lives such as the things they need to read and understand. Today English is crucially important for developing international markets, especially in the areas of tourism and advertising, and mastery of English also provides Access to scientific, technological and academic resources. People connect each other dominantly in English worldwide. That’s why business people go to courses after work and try hard to be able to speak it. It seems that the number of people learning English is likely to continue to increase over the next 10-15 years. As soos as people want to learn, the teachers will help learners develop their English skills for use in a business context. Having its advantages and disadvantages business English teaching can be very interesting. Taking the students to the next level in their careers is rewarding for not only the students, but for the teacher as well.