Teach English in Qinghua Zhen - Xi'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qinghua Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xi'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Being a teacher is not like any other jobs. For example if you are an engineer and you don’t like your job, you can still manage to go to work but to be a teacher, you have to love what you do. It is just like being a mother of 20-30 children. You have to take care of them one by one. You have to be their psychologist, mentor and idol at the same time. It’s not something that you can do just for the money; at least if you’re good at your job. That is why being a volunteer in teaching is an excellent way of making this planet better. There are few reasons to be a volunteer teacher and this essay will mention about some of them. First of all, being a volunteer in teaching will warm your heart the minute you start your duty. You will be around children whom hearts are filled with pure love. They will love you unconditionally and this is not something that you can experience in your daily life. World is now full of evil people who are only around you because they want to use you and benefit from you. By being a volunteer teacher, you will forget about all those evil human beings and taste the sweet feeling of kindness. Secondly, you get to travel the world! You can choose your destination and you are ready to go. Most of the people who wants to travel the world has to quit their jobs to do that. But luckily, your job gives you the opportunity to travel the world and keep working at the same time, which is great. You can pack your stuff and stay in an European country for a year and then you can move to an Asian country you haven’t seen before. Lastly, by traveling different countries, you will meet different people from different cultures. You will have a great vision when you’re done volunteering. You will get to learn different languages and you will see how people perform their traditions. You will also learn about different religions. To sum up, by being a volunteer teacher, you will not only feel good about yourself because you are volunteering but also you will get many benefits from it. You will be around children who are just so pure and have beautiful hearts. You will see places that you have not seen before. You will meet so many new people and they will all have something to inform you about. You will be able to study a language that you always wanted to study but unfortunately did not have enough time for that. You will witness people applying their traditions live, not like how people see on T.V. You will learn about different religions and their perspective of living. There are just so many reasons to be a volunteer teacher and volunteering is something that we all have to be a part of. So get your map and choose your destination and be prepared to have a wonderful year!