Teach English in Mazhao Zhen - Xi'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mazhao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xi'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning new language, getting close to new opportunities, being bilingual or multilingual, having chance to study, live and work in other countries and having wonderful life. These are the dreams of many english learners in all over the world. But why english? Where to start? These are thought-proviking questions which the students always think about it by themselves or ask to their friends, teachers, parents for help. As we know, English is the first strongest language all over the world. But what makes the english language the most useful language in all over the world?! Firstly, the english is one of the easiest language for learning. The majority of english speaking countries have high education system which attract many students from all over the world for studing in those countries. And there is the point that if you wanna study in one of english speaking countries you must know english and must hold some certificates like IELTS, TOEFL and etc. And like one student who wanna have high education and hold a degree from english speaking country start to show interest to learn english and this makes to be in need to english centers, english faculties in their universities in their home country. Today, english language has a leading role in all industries. As we know, for having a good relation between the countries, the negotiation between companies, the exchange programs of education system, having good, stable and high-paid jobs require english skill. Our world is improving without stopping and the people, especially young generation try to catch temp of our new world and technologies. The tecnologies like smartphones, laptops, computers are the inseperable parts of our daily life and we can't imagine our modern world without them. These technolgies make easier to our life and help us for learning, studing, making new friendships with the help of their special programs and apps. You can choose your own language for using them but still english language is the principal language of these apps, programs and technologies. And sometimes we can't understand or have troubles with them and this means that at least you must have little english skill for solving this kind of problems by yourselves. Don't go far, just look at in our daily life and we can see that how useful is english around the world. If we ask that do you like travelling?, exactly the majority of the answers will be "Yes, I do". Travelling is interesting adventure which is everybody would like to live it in his/her life. And exactly we can't learn all the languages of countries which ones we are travelling. In this circumstance, english language help to us for connecting with local people or tour guides, chatting with other nationalities who are travelling like you, buying something from the street vendors. This shows us how unique is english language for everybody. Or maybe we can have chance to live in other country where the english is not native language and exactly, we can have troubles when we use local SIM card, transportation or etc. But this kind of countries make alternative way for making life easier for foreigners who is visiting, travelling or working in their countries. For example if you have some problem with your SIM card you can call the company for getting advice and when you call, first you will be responded by local language and after that automatically in english. And you can see the same system in the public transportation also. Because those countries wanna attract more tourists, foreigners to their country for getiing good relation with another english speaking countries, improve the locals' opinions and english skills and keep up forward these for the bright future of their country. Learning language is one of the best skill because if you know one language you are one person, if you know two languages you are two people. Knowing more languages means having more opportunities in this world.