Teach English in Dabancheng Zhen - Wulumuqi Shi — Urumqi

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the tense system is probably the area of the English language that causes student the greatest amount of difficulty this unit cover the following points in each tense the form usage typical student errors activate stage present simple: form: affirmative:( subject+base form+s/es) negative: (subject+aux.verb Do+not+base form) question(aux.verb Do+ subject+base form) usage:habitual or routine actions permanent situations and facts commentaries directions and instructions newspaper headlines present stories historical sequence typical errors: she walk to school everyday he no like to watch TV she go often to Paris she doesn't likes football activate stage find someone who... questionnaires a day in the life of information-gap present continuous: form Affirmative: (subject+aux. be+ verb+ing) negative: (subject+aux.verb be+not+ing) question:(aux.verb be+subject+verb+ing) usage:to talk about an action that is in progress at the time of speaking to talk about a temporary action that is not necessary in progress at the time of speaking to emphasize very frequent actions student errors he watching TV we are have a meeting I'm working hard everyday activate stage: mime pictures of actions pictionary noises time zone present perfect : form: affirmative (subject+aux. verb have+past participle ) negative :(subject+aux. verb have+not+past participle ) question:(aux.verb have+subject+past participle ) usage: when we talk about finished actions/ states that happened at an indefinite time . when we are thinking about completed past actions carried out in an unfinished time period at the time of speaking when we talk about something which began in the past and is still true now we don't know if this is likely to continue or not when we describe past actions with present results students errors: i am a secretary for five years i have seen him yesterday when have you bought your car activate stage: has kissed a foreigner, has been on television ,has written a poem students mingle ,asking questions until they have found people who have done the things on their list change the room song U2 role-play job interview present perfect continuous form: affirmative : (subject+aux.verb have +been+verb+ing) Negative: (subject+aux.verb have+not+been+verb+ing) question: (aux.verb have+subject+ +been+verb+ing) usage: to communicate an incomplete and ongoing activity, when we want to say how long it has continued. to describe a recently finished,uninterrupted activity which has a present result student error : using verbs that don't take the continuous form activate stage: 1- students takes a piece of paper with a past activity and result written on it 2- students survey the class to find out who has been doing something the longest . the should write the survey themselves