Teach English in Zhangqiao Zhen - Weinan Shi

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Theme: English Multiple Tenses Title: How different students learn multiple tenses. In my essay I would like to explain my view of coexistence of multiple forms and Problems for learners in use. To start with the issue let`s consider some characteristic points which define the use of the form Present Indefinite. 1. When adverbs “always, often, constantly, sometimes, usually, seldom, regularly, never” are present, it is clear, that the Present Indefinite form must be used. “We often receive advice, but only the wise profit by it” 2. When these adverbs may be absent, but the context points out the simplicity of the form. 3. “ A friend in need is a friend indeed” “Love looks with the eyes but not with the mind” 4. When characterizing one`s abilities, way of life, and habits, which are constant: “ All happy families resemble one another, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” 5. When speaking of emotions “He likes to look the facts in his face” Now, let us discuss how Present Continuous interacts with the Simple and “interferes” to it. As we know, Present Continuous form is used for actions happening now or for an action that is unfinished. This tense is also used when the action is temporary. But, in some cases there is no hard binding to grammar rules, and definition of the Tense form may be subject to the context. Have a look at this example: “I am mending the kitchen shelf. You know, it is always falling down.” Here the verb “fall”, which seems obviously to belong to Present Indefinite Tense (adverb “always” identifies it ), is expressed in the Present Continuous form, because the person expresses his (her) annoyance and desire to get rid of the long-existing problem. “He is taking a course in carpentry. He is always taking a bits of furniture to pieces nowadays and trying to put them together again”. - He takes a course in carpentry. But this phrase emphasizes, that he works hard, takes very often repeated actions, and all of it lasts a long time. “I am very busy lately. I go to evening courses of German twice a week. Besides, I'm learning Russian and I'm getting on quite well.” This phrase explains what does the person do lately. And while he (she) goes to the evening classes, (Simple) she is getting on quite well. (Continuous). And please, compare: “Julius Caesar did not expect that Brutus would conspire against him”. “Julius Caesar did not expect that Brutus would be conspiring against him” Here Present Continuous form expresses Caesar`s deep thought about long-lasted hypocrisy. These examples first of all display the flexibility of the English Tenses in use. Deviation from the rules (where applicable) make language more lively. But creates some problems for learners. In my practice I dealt with students, who, when making up a grammar construction were very strictly keeping up with temporal markers. They were sure, that that was the best way to avoid mistakes, for example, when passing the tests. (at this point I can`t disagree with them. It is important, especially if testing is carried without direct communication to the teacher, to whom I can explain what I mean, and prove that I am right). And finally they achieved a good grammar speech. They were self- confident, having a good knowledge, but: Unable to give a vivid description of the subject, or vivid expression of the idea. Their speech, from my viewpoint was fluent, but not accurate. And far from perfect. The other students were more creative by nature, but sometimes their creativity was a bit of excess. On my own experience, to explain all the above-mentioned differences is not an easy task. It may depend on student`s ability- for example, the similarity of English to the student`s native language, the age, the level of knowledge. The small children usually take the idea without hesitation. “Absorb” the English language in the way, very similar to the way, in which they learn their native language. They start to feel much earlier than to understand. Thus, the explanatory work is based on the simple patterns: “I wash my hands every day”, or “I am washing my hands now.” The teenagers and adult learners think another way. They ask many questions and must have answers. But they are able to accept more sophisticated ideas. The best way on my own experience was to give a task to read a text as a homework, and at the lesson discuss it in group. During the discussion, (without too much interference) I try to encourage the students to retell the contents in another words and exchange the ideas, which grammar construction is acceptable here and there and why. Learning dialogues by heart is very useful too, because every phrase the student will remember in proper grammar form, and further will use it by analogue method. The best way for learning English by all means is reading a lot. In private tutoring I had much of success, giving a task of reading and recitation. But, working in group this method is a bit problematic, because of the lack of time and making the students tired and bored. I have not brought examples concerning another forms. But the approach must be in similar way. In any case, a teacher must be creative and base the lesson plan on the results of diagnostic tests. Find out what the students know and what they do not know. And if necessary, repeat the lesson, using a wide variety of topics.