Teach English in Jiaoxie Zhen - Weinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jiaoxie Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I, Nada Osama, have tried teaching pre-school, grade 2, grade 3, grade 7, grade 8, and grade 9, besides post graduates. I have been passionate about teaching since I was 9. Because of the different ages I have taught, I have found out that teaching is not only committed to delivering some information and making sure students understand what you have just said, teaching is way beyond that, and it is way more than giving and receiving; but there is much more than that. Teachers are not just “teachers” for their job position subconsciously forces them to play many roles other than “teaching.” Some of these roles are innate and come by nature, and some might have to be learnt or acquired. These roles will be displayed below. 1- Guidance: Teachers guide their students towards the right paths; on every possible level, not just the academic level. Teachers guide their students towards their passions by helping them experience different situations in which they connect to something that leads them to passion discovery. They also guide them towards their weakness points so that they work on them; besides guiding them towards the ‘how’ as well. Teachers guide their students towards career paths they can follow; because usually, students might know what they want but they don’t have a plan to nurture this passion or they might not know which plan they should stick to. 2- Facilitator: Teachers facilitate the process of learning by providing a healthy educational fair atmosphere, fruitful discussions, useful and clear books, different styles of teaching, and fair examinations that deal with different levels of intelligence. Teachers facilitate the process of learning by developing a confidence booster atmosphere that helps students speak up confidently and fearlessly. 3- Advisor: Teachers usually tend to advise their students without being asked to do so; that is because teachers care for their students unconsciously. Teachers happen to advise their students what to do regarding personal issues, family issues, financial issues, or even emotional issues. Students turn to their teachers knowing very well that teachers would never let them down, and knowing that teachers would understand what is going on in students’ lives and do give the suitable advise that goes with the new generation and the experience they’ve been through. Teachers are considered the best advisors and also it is proven that most students listen to their teachers more than they listen to their parents. 4- Resource: Teachers are considered the main source of knowledge for the students, on every possible level. Students don’t just learn the language from them, but also they learn from them ways of behaving, experiences in life, old real stories that have taken place, and even interesting facts that students would have never know if it hasn’t been for the teachers. Teachers give students knowledge related to books, careers, life situations, and human mechanism. Students get to know how to react to sad news when they watch their teachers react to sad news. Students learn how to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong when they watch their teachers tell one of the students that their answer is wrong in a nice polite way. Students learn what “passion” means when they watch their teachers work passionately and patiently. Students learn every concept just by observing their teachers, noticing every move they do, looking up to them, and mimicking them. 5- Supporter: Teachers are considered the main support in a student’s life. That is because parents don’t usually support their kids 24/7, however, teachers automatically tend to support their students for all the time they spend together, because it’s not that much so they don’t get easily fed up and frustrated, and it’s not little so they won’t connect; it’s moderate and just enough to affect the students without having the teachers overload themselves. Teachers support their students emotionally as equal as they support them academically. Teachers support their students so they would feel confident while speaking a foreign language fearlessly. Teachers support their students on the physical level as they never let anyone bullies the other, physically or emotionally. Students support their students to follow their dreams and motivate them to create a plan and stick to it passionately and patiently. 6- Organizer: Teachers are the ones that organize everything from A to Z. Starting from the class time plan, to the assessments, to the class decorations, to the students’ seating, to the syllabus plan, until the distribution of the items covered in every lesson. Teachers must be very well-organized and very well-prepared. Students look up to their teachers and they have to find that their role models are organized and well-prepared, or else, a whole generation will be unorganized, unpunctual, and unprepared. 7- Role Model: Students automatically get very influenced by their teachers without even noticing, that is because they are not members of their families, and they love them, so they automatically mimic them. They walk like how their teachers walk. They talk the same tone and language their teachers talk. They behave in the same manners their teachers behave. They become a photo copy of their teachers without even noticing. Accordingly, teachers have to watch each and every word, act, movement, reaction, and even facial expression done or said by them. It’s like they’re being observed and under the microscope 24/7; even if they are friends on Facebook or any other social media application, they have to always be aware of the tiny eyes looking up to them. It is a huge responsibility because teachers actually form generations whether they like it or not. May be there are other roles out there, but these are the ones that I witness every single day, and I experience them with my own eyes. It is definitely hectic to think about them all the time, but the result is totally worthy. I hope these roles are applied carefully or else they won't lead to the desired result.