Teach English in Hejiazhuang Zhen - Weinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hejiazhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English has proven to be one of the most used languages in the entire world.The language has vastly grown across continents like a raging wildfire and is still spreading even into regions onced deemed non-English zones, such as Asia and the Middle East. English is a native language of most developed countries such as Britain, Australia, Canada and America. These powerful countries have managed to penetrate their native language by using their influence in entertainment, business and culture. American movies and music are the most broadcasted material in the world. Most states have tended to adopt the American life-style including the English language. Large International bodies such as the United Nations use English as one of their main languages. This has undoubtedly, made English a global language. Most of the state members in this organization are English-speaking. The advent expansion in technology have seen many gadgets such as phones and computers built-in with translation softwares. It is crystal clear that English is always on the fore-front of such technological applications. In Southern Africa, English is regarded as an official language used in public institutions such as schools, hospitals, banks, courts and government offices. The majority of the population in this region is conversant in English and for the minority they have translators to engage them in their native languages. Here, English learning is more encouraged than the native languages because English opens wider doors to the future. According to historical events colonization of this region by the British has since demolished the indigenous ways and restored it with English structures. In countries like Russia were the native Russian language is considered the main language of communication, they have also made English easily accessible in schools and tertiary institutions. The English teaching industry is tremendously growing in Russia. Many learners are eager to study English. China has become a business hub for English speakers as it presents lucrative opportunities in the teaching field. China, which boasts of having the largest population in the world which stands at more than a billion, has realised the importance of English as a global language. Chinese schools teach English as an independent subject and even hire foreign teachers to polish up the students English skills. Language training schools are now trending in China, as they offer mainly English courses. Training schools usually cater for all ages. Most of them even offer holiday, weekend and night classes. In the Middle East region were Arabic is the main language, they have also embraced English. This region has become a tourism hub popular with tourists from all over the world. It also boasts of housing luxurious hotels, numerous airlines and busy airports. As a result, this region has employed many immigrants and English language has become a norm in daily tasks. In conclusion English is an international and business language. It has become a necessary skill, vital in this modern era. The world has become a global village easier to travel due to technology in transport. As such, the world also requires a common language for easier communication, and it is clear that English has filled that gap.