Teach English in Gaoming Zhen - Weinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Gaoming Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

During 2017 I spent a week in Paris . I had a plan to meet a friend in a public park at the end of a recreational canal . It was large and it took some doing to find him . For an hour I was lost , and during this time I came across a crowd of people huddled tightly on concrete steps . There was a sense of desperate seriousness , as notes were being frantically taken , the concentration palpable . At the bottom of the embankment was a teacher with a whiteboard and a pointing stick . I was entranced . I knew right away that it was immigrants having French lessons . I was entranced , and fascinated . Maybe if I stayed a while I could learn a word or two . For immigrant beginners , many factors would affect the level of successful outcome of English tuition . Many of these factors are beyond the control of the learner ; age , (adolescents and young adults learn faster than older adults) , level of education , ( is the refugee literate in their first language or academically proficient ? ) , socioeconomic status , (if the student has less concerns about time and resources he is more likely to be focused on the task at hand of learning to speak English ) , gender , ( employed men learn faster than stay at home moms ) , race , ( European looking persons would receive more interactional opportunities than Asian looking students ) , religion , ( compatible belief systems would make for a conducive social environment ) , luck , or possibly LOVE ! ( caring , kind and accommodating neighbours would result in speedier integration , of which learning the language of their adoptive host country is paramount . It takes us twelve years to learn our own first language English . The first six are for oral fluency and the next six for reading and writing . While this is rather uniform , the time it's going to take to learn English as a second language is more variable . Some of the influencing factors are , the duration of the course offered by a teaching institute , and the funding available for it . And what do we even mean by ''fluency '' ? Simple conversational fluency , or that required to succeed in school or in a profession ? Here are some rather innovative programs I came across while scouting the Internet on this topic : Over twenty years ago Germany introduced a system for immigrant children to learn German together with their parents . Directly translated from German it's called ''Mamas Learn German - Even Papa '' . Parents join their children at school for two days a week , gaining incite into the activities of their children while learning words and expressions which would aid them in navigating their new lives in Germany . They also get to meet other parents and share the mutual challenges of relocating . As everybody improves their communication skills , children participate better in school , resulting in enhanced educational and social integration . "Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters '' , or "Hippy " for short , is based on a Israeli home visit system where a tutor spends time in the home of new immigrants , involving the whole family in a holistic approach . Vocabulary and local customs are reinforced , cultural barriers are mediated , and the internal isolation within the family is minimized . Another practical and relevant approach is that of '' on the job '' language training . It's been shown to have dramatically positive outcome if immigrants can be utilized in their profession or trade of expertise as soon as possible . The traditional acclimatization period , has been phased out in preference for immediate employment placement . The employee is tutored in his/her work environment , learning how to execute his/her required duties in English . It would be an oversight not to mention the online app " Babbel " Babbel works in collaboration with refugee centres ,.in order to ensure that their resource of online courses are in fact accessible to those who need it . Babbel support refugee initiatives on a voluntary basis , while many of their staff have themselves worked in refugee centres . Good ideas can work in many forms and be modified to meet the needs of a particular community or organization . Resources : What makes it hard for migrants to learn the language of their new home ? --- Dr Ingrid Piller Various articles from a website called Cities of Migration ---- authors unknown .