Teach English in Yinzi Zhen - Weihai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yinzi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weihai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

To improve the efficiency of learning English and choose the learning style that suits students, a teacher needs to know their peculiarities of perception of information from the outside world. As you know, psychologists distinguish three main learning styles: - visual - auditory - kinesthetic. In most cases, class takers use them in combination, but knowing and understanding which style works best for students, they will begin to learn the language more effectively. However, it should be noted that the approach works best when the ability to learn is fully involved. My courses are useful because all the skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are practiced in a complex, which mainly includes the visual and auditory way of learning. Now we will briefly review all three groups: The visuals, which, according to statistics, are about 65% of the population, are best perceived by the eyes when they look at visual pictures or read the text. They can recall some details and ideas in the form of a picture that they have ever seen. Usually, visuals prefer graphics, illustrations, and tables. Audials (35% of the population) best of all perceive information with their ears, i.e., aurally. Listening and speaking are the strengths of audits. Audials are easily distracted. From practice, I can say that the audial is more challenging to read and write. Those who prefer the auditory way of perceiving information often suffer from grammar. Very often, audials are written illiterately and do not like to read. If you are a pleasant exception to the rule, I am thrilled! Audials easily memorize sounds. For example, if they memorize some instructions, then, as a rule, they are pronounced out loud or mentally again and again. They often like background music to block external noise that bothers them, because they react to them and get distracted. You may ask yourself: if the auditoriums are not so few, why is listening to a skill that is underdeveloped by the majority of English learners? The answer is simple: because you simply did not pay attention to it. You do not purposefully work out, do not develop the skill of listening, or do it not enough. You listen to little native speakers and preferably listen to the system. Until you begin to listen, you will not begin to hear and understand what they are saying. Next, come kinesthetics. Kinesthetics make up only 5% of the population. They perceive information best through movement or when something can be touched. Kinesthetics are trained through physical interaction. This is how children mostly learn. For kinesthetics to touch means to see. Moreover, if you are not sure what style of training is your forte, let us try one interesting exercise that I recently caught sight of somewhere. To determine your prevailing learning style, put a checkmark next to each sentence that corresponds to reality for you: Visual: -reads and watches TV to relax; -tends to memorize people by a person, not by name and surname; -trying to concentrate is distracted if there is any confusion; learn new ideas by reading books; trying to spell a difficult word to see how it is spelled; easier to solve problems when prescribing possible solutions. Audial: -listening to music to relax; -remembers the names of people, not their faces; -distracted by noise when trying to concentrate; -learn new things by listening to the audio, including audiobooks; -trying to memorize a new word, hearing it pronounced, or pronouncing it; -solves problems easier by speaking possible solutions. Kinesthetic: -doing some physical activity or sports to relax; -remembers people by what they did together; -when trying to concentrate is distracted when people move; -learns new, having visited any seminar; -trying to prescribe a new word to see how it feels; -the easiest way to solve problems is through direct experience. After you determine your learning style, you can build the learning process depending on the results. You can select a study material, an expert and a learning environment that best suits your needs. If most of all you get ticks for a visual method of learning, then look for training materials videos, slides, pictures. If you are more audial, listen to audio books, lectures, interviews, radio. If you are kinesthetic, learn immediately in practice, meet an English-speaking foreigner and go! Of course, you can develop any skill and learning style. However, knowing your strength, you can multiply the effectiveness of training.