Teach English in Wendengying Zhen - Weihai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wendengying Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weihai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Nowadays there are a lot of changes in many areas of human living and activities. New requirements for the quality of education appears every day. A modern student should not only have special skills and knowledge, but also feel the need and thirst to reach for more. In other words, he or she should have the motivation. The role of a teacher plays a vital role in this process. What is motivation and why it is important? Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move towards a goal. The main element of it is the impulse – a desire to satisfy his or her needs. The educational process is a complex activity and every student has different motives for learning. Students having a high level of motivation usually get good marks and enjoy the studying process. Unsuccessful students often lack their interest in learning. If there is no motivation, everything seems depressing: the lesson of English becomes tiring and endless; the daily homework turns into torture. How can a teacher build one's motivation towards study? In my opinion, a teacher should remember that his or her involvement and attitude towards the students directly affect the motivation. The interaction between the teacher and the student is more important to the learning process than structural factors, such as lesson materials and the classroom size. Firstly, every teacher ought to show a positive attitude and mood to build a harmonious relationship with the students. Secondly, the teacher should appreciate their efforts. It is much more important to evaluate what the students do than the final result. Thirdly, the teacher should use incentives. For example, children, as a rule, do not realize what advantage gives them the gained knowledge. They prefer to receive a reward immediately. Incentives motivate them to work more and better to achieve their goals. Besides, it is very important not to forget that the lessons must be diverse. If a teacher is creative during the class and always find innovative ways to present the learning material in an interesting way, the students will start to enjoy the lecture rather than getting bored. Often we lose our motivation when we do not know which benefits the acquired knowledge can bring us. Therefore, a teacher ought to emphasize the practical importance of a new material for students. At the beginning of each topic, he or she can explain the practical advantage of this knowledge. Also many students find it difficult to keep their motivation towards study, because they have a high level of anxiety, not achieving the desired results and a fear of failure. The teacher should help them to overcome the anxiety. How to stimulate motivation in this case? He or she should create a peaceful atmosphere in the classroom, teach the students to see not only negative sides in their failures. Mistakes teach us to learn more and better, and help us to understand what we should and should not do. Finally, the main task for every teacher is to show the students how to motivate themselves. Being able to motivate the students is important for the teacher, but it is equally same to teach them how to find and manage their own motivation. A teacher should help the students to find the reasons why their knowledge can be useful. Perhaps, they will be able to use it in their daily life and understand the environment better. Either this knowledge will be useful to them when they enter the university. To sum up, motivating students is not an easy task but a good teacher will always find a way to make his or her students be more interested in learning and improving their knowledge.