Teach English in Mishan Zhen - Weihai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mishan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weihai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Over time, it becomes increasingly popular in many different countries through the world to learn English as a foreign language in preschool. We may even say it is a trend nowadays. It is an important aspect of foreign language teaching to use EFL activities for kindergarten learners such as preschool lesson themes or fun exercises. Second language learning is offered in kindergartens all over the world. I am sure that we must adapt the material, preschool lesson themes and our ways of transferring this information to fun EFL activities, must take into consideration the age and social environment of our students. Methodology, approaches and toolkit are numerous. Currently language immersion is used as the main teaching method in many international kindergartens.. Especially after the spread of private education, including private kindergartens, the possibility of second language learning became known and available. Some people have doubts whether children should start learning a foreign language at such an early age (from three to six or seven), some believe that it may be even some sort of enforce to ask them do so. But I think it is wrong. According to scientific researches children at this age are able to obtain a lot of information really quickly. Even more, it has been proven that young learners of the second language gain ability to use their brain spheres effectively and later have fewer difficulties in school subjects other than English. Nowadays we have an incredible amount of various games, rhymes, songs and other fun EFL activities, but despite this, it is not so easy to teach preschool students as it seems. Children have to be constantly animated, completely involved and interested in all types of activities or exercises. Usually kindergarten learners are divided into two groups: those aged three to four and those who are ages five to six. There have to be a different approaches and techniques in teaching to these groups. With the students of three and four-year-olds you should confine yourself with action activities, play active games, sing and dance. With the older students you can add such teaching methods as storytelling, role play. Thereby games and interactive preschool lesson themes and fun EFL activities are the basic tool for second language learning in both groups. So as a teacher you are able to apply all your creativity. Visuals are very important: different posters, flashcards, pictures, videos, picture books etc. It is possible to use prepared materials or you can involve kids in making things like postcards or origami. Visuals are very helpful for creating language immersion when children are learning by listening, looking at pictures, drawing, colouring and eventually talking. There is another important method in teaching English. It is called TPR – total physical response. This teaching approach can be adapted to a various number of teaching situations, and children really have fun doing it. The basic of this method is that children listen to the language so later they are able to start talking. It helps to make a connection between vocabulary and actions, tenses, imperatives and instructions, classroom language and even storytelling. It can be combined with the techniques of singing and dancing. Also English songs and nursery rhymes for preschoolers should be included in almost every theme. Many parents and teachers wonder what preschool lesson themes and English activities for kids would be most interesting to children learning English as a second language. The topics are pretty simple and universal in the early language learning syllabus; small kids will stay interested as long as you succeed in making EFL activities funny and understandable. In conclusion I can say that it is necessary to help children like the language in their early ages and create an interesting involving atmosphere for them. In this way they will enjoy learning and do that quickly and effectively.