Teach English in Houjia Zhen - Weihai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Houjia Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weihai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The topic on teaching English as a Foreign Language ranging from group teaching to one to one class facilitation has been an issue circulating among teachers of ESL for quite some time. As a matter of fact, I consider myself as one who currently under this teaching condition which this essay intend to discuss. First and foremost teaching in group offers various advantages for both teachers and students. With regards to teachers, they have acquired trainings and skills on how to facilitate learning in group. One proof of this is the supervised practice teaching that teachers had to undergo in completion of the course in Diploma in Teaching ESL, whereby, they need to conduct classes in group. I, as an example of the recipient of this program, had lots of opportunities to develop my skills in teaching a group of students, for I received feedback from various professionals in education on how to deliver lessons in group, with students’ active involvement, such as role playing. While for students who are studying in group, they tend to receive and get more involve on various activities which requires collaboration and active participation between partners or among a small group. The task would eventually become lighter as students who have varied abilities and capabilities are helping each other or one another. Like for instance, those students who are struggling in learning the second language could be possibly be motivated by the encouragement and support of their partner or group mates who are more advance than them, whereas those students who are helping would have a chance to practice and master what they have learnt, just like the proverbs says “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” However, there are a few disadvantages that could be considered in teaching a group of students, like for example; the attention of the teacher could be possibly divided among them, which requires them to work on their own to supplement the learning they had from a group. Likewise, the teacher who handles a group of students would likely be inclined to equally fraction his/her time to attend to the learning needs of each student. In this view of group teaching, what could be the difference would be created if the learning is received through one to one teaching? In comparison to delivering lessons in group versus teaching only one student in class, both teacher and student oftentimes encounter some benefits and challenges along the way. To expound this statement, a teacher has opportunities to be more focused to discover the level, learning style and student’s need as he/she only needed to cater and prepare for a specific person. Like for example, learning the student’s interest could be a great spring board to start a lesson. In the same manner, the student would be more privileged of much higher level of attention as he/she is the only being catered of , which means higher retention of what has been taught. On the other hand, interaction between the teacher and the student in a one to one class tend to be duller as time goes by since interaction is limited to only two persons in a room. One example of this was the class I had, which was started in a very interesting, interactive and lively manner, but slowly turned tedious as days went by, due to insufficient strategy on how to make the one to one teaching even livelier, most especially at times when a student was unmotivated to learn in some occasions.