Teach English in Datuan Zhen - Weihai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Datuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weihai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Everything in the classroom rises and falls on the teacher. The teacher is the backbone that hold the tone of the classroom environment together. The attitude the teacher carries can make or break the learning environment. The role of the teacher is crucial in three areas: in creating lesson plans, conducting classroom management, and establishing good rapport among students. First, the role of the teacher is to design and create lesson plans. There are many different elements that are involved in lesson planning and the content/material chosen for each lesson depends on the teacher. Lessons can be hard to follow or engaging with an easy learning flow. Teachers need to spend their time finding activities that will engage the students and want them to practice their English. Lesson plans need to flow and make sense for optimal student growth and comfort levels. It is important to have a balance of activities (introductory/engaging, drills, partner activities, individual, writing, speaking, ect.) to keep the students engaged. The teacher sets the tone with the lessons and activities they provide, so make them count! Secondly, the role of the teacher is to manage the classroom. The teacher is “in charge” of the classroom and the way that looks is starkly different among teachers. Classroom management is one of the biggest keys to classroom success, or unfortunate failure. Currently, I am a Kindergarten teacher and have learned management tools over the years through hands-on experience. Classroom management is cultivated through trial and error with experience and not taught through a book. I have seen many teachers over the years with the best hearts and intentions fail in the classroom due to poor management skills. If an environment is chaotic and unorganized, optimal learning cannot occur. On the opposite spectrum, if the teacher is a mean robot with extreme management/discipline, then the students will be afraid to open up and talk. There needs to be a happy balance where the classroom is managed but the students feel empowered and take initiative in their learning. Students always need to be aware of classroom expectations and the teacher needs to make them clear and upfront at the beginning of the year/class. Lastly, the role of the teacher is to establish good rapport among students. How do the students feel in your classroom? Have you developed a safe space where the students are comfortable to learn? Students need to know that their teacher has their best interest at heart and wants to see them succeed. They need to feel valued and cared for on a personal level. I know that when I was in school, I always worked harder and enjoyed certain classes over others. Why is this? Because I felt like some teachers were not there to get paid, but genuinely cared about me. Students can feel if you are there for the right reasons. It is important to always be kind and treat every student with respect. As a teacher, set up an environment where the students feel empowered and comfortable asking questions in order to grow in their learning. In conclusion, the teacher has many roles and responsibilities within the classroom. Three highlighted areas are in creating lesson plans, handling classroom management, and establishing good rapport among your students. Each of these areas is vital and needed for a healthy classroom environment. Teachers have a great responsibility to help foster learning and it should not be taken lightly. The teacher sets the tone for the physical and emotional environment within the classroom. Students need to feel respected by the teacher and even among themselves. Having an engaging environment with upbeat lessons, a well-managed safe place, and mutual respect among all is the perfect recipe for a remarkable teacher!