Teach English in Zheshan Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zheshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Students attend to English classes due to many reasons. If the students may attend to the classes for their personal requirements and if they have a special need, automatically they will follow the course enthusiastic manner. But school learners don’t have that many purposes. Therefore, those students are motivated by teacher most of the time. Class room motivation means teacher’s direction to behavior of students. A good role is played in the class room to motivate them towards achieving learning objectives. In my class room I always try to motivate students with the changes of positive. While I fulfill the students’ goal, it is very important to make the lesson success for my self-satisfaction. After the lesson if the students have come to the expected level through the motivation, I’m very happy. In the teaching learning process, totally student center education is considered in the class room. I think, it is the first step of thinking to motivate the students. In my 12 years teaching career I have met different types of age groups of students. Always I tried to motivate students with different activities. So, lots of motivation methods were used in my class rooms. Among those motivation methods some of them are as bellow. • Planning lessons with interactive activities. A lesson plan is prepared to get ready before going to the class room. So, when prepare the ESA lesson plan I add interactive activities to hold attentions of the students with the lesson. Example: role play, debates, games etc… • Using verbal praise. When they complete even a small task I appreciate them with praiseworthy words. Learners motivate and try to learn with praise. Example - very good, well done, excellent etc. • Giving rewards. I use some kind of rewards. I tell my students that if everyone in class earns an 85% or higher on a monthly test they will be awarded by a prize. Not only that, I use a display board to mark the daily performances of the students with some stickers. • Being a role model with positive action. Always I try to be a role model to reinforce positive action to motivate students in teaching learning process. I show enthusiasm in the lesson. Then learners try to follow me. I have experienced my students are very active when I’m in the class room. • Giving responsibilities. Students like to have responsibilities among others. I assign daily class room duties which students can tolerate. It gives students a sense of motivation. Example: arranging teacher’s table, monitoring other group members etc… • Assigning group work. Many students find it interest work in groups. I give projects, experiments and solve problems within groups. I try to make balanced and fair groups among them. • Arranging outdoor activities. Learning environment intimates for motivation of students. I use some field trip, night camp etc… towards studying in the same class room. • Conducting small competition. Students like to participate with competition. They are reluctant to engage with same activities every day. So, when I get a chance I conduct debates, quiz competition etc… • Using visual aids and learning equipment. When I plan a lesson I use some picture posters, video clip and multimedia projector etc… These things add a verity to a lesson. So, students motivate quickly. • Building up rapport with students. Always I try to move with students and identify each character separately as well as know their like and dislike. At those situations they like to spend time with me. Then automatically they motivate with the lessons. Motivation does affect students’ learning, goal achievements, cognitive processes and performance etc... According to the age and level of the students I have used above suitable motivation methods in the class rooms.