Teach English in Zhaoge Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhaoge Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Beginners are tough nut to crack because they have no previous knowledge of English. Thus, the word beginner tends to strike fear into the hearts of inexperienced teachers. There are categories of beginner that is absolute beginner. Absolute beginner these are students who have no English at all. These students does not have any knowledge any knowledge about English. Thus, the teacher has to start from scratch to teach the student the basic and common phrases like "Hello" and " Goodbye" only to mention but a few. Furthermore, absolute beginners do not know nouns and adjectives and how to form a sentence or question. Thus, the teacher has to be patient with this type of class as they know nothing about English. Moreover, there are false beginner. False beginner has the past exposure and they think they know English because of the past exposure. These students may have studied English in the past but not retained much language. Hence, these students has knowledge about English compared to absolute beginner. Perhaps these students would have spent countless hours studying the language but can not hold any English conversation with a native speaker diagnose the student's language. The false beginners will probably be able to produce a few simple structures. In addition, the adult beginner, these students are not forced to learn English but they often made their own decision to learn as a result they will be highly motivated and they are willing to learn and put maximum cooperation. Young beginners lack motivation as the choice of learning has been imposed by their parents. Hence, the teacher when teaching beginners needs to keep it simple, always check for understanding, give them lots of time to practice, show, do not be boring, always use positive reinforcement only but to mention a few. To begin with, do not be boring. In teaching the beginners the teacher should not be boring to the students as the students will loose concentration and they will not listen to what the teacher is trying to teach. Thus, English for beginners does not have to feel like pulling teeth. Instead use lots of games to encourage and entertain the student to practice and produce the language you have taught. Consider student's interests so that they enjoy and want to learn. Furthermore, keep it simple. When teaching beginner students the teacher must keep it simple avoid using to much English when giving their students instructions. Gestures are very important and they help beginners better understand and even when the classroom seems clear to you. In addition, always check for understanding. As a teacher assuming that the students have understood the lesson or classroom instruction, is the biggest mistake any teacher can make. The teacher should not assume as the students may feel embarrassed to admit ignorance in front of the class and prefer to remain silent. Thus, the teacher needs to read students' body language to gauge whether they have understood and keep checking whether they have understood by asking questions. More so, the students should be given lots of time to practice and provide lots of examples check for understanding and then ensure that the class has enough time to practice what you have just taught them.