Teach English in Yinma Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yinma Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Building confidence in students is one of teachers’ important tasks. We as teachers have a powerful influence on our students and we can help them feel proud of themselves. When it comes to helping students gain confidence, it’s far beyond preparing students to talk in front of the class. Students who are confident are not only brave to express themselves as well as sharing their opinions but also willing to take challenges. To make students more confident, several strategies are as follows. Encourage Students More It’s natural that students may make mistakes or errors when learning a new language. What they need is encouragements from teachers rather than criticisms. A good teacher who can give students proper encouragements can leave a deep impression on students, thus building a rapport with them. Then students can also get inspirations from teachers and try hard to learn more. When students know teachers will support them even if they make mistakes, they will have bravery to try something new and difficult. Therefore, teachers are supposed to offer praise and acknowledge students’ accomplishment. Teachers should not correct every single mistake made by students nor interrupt the students to correct them when they are talking. If teachers always start with a positive statement, it will protect students’ confidence. What’s more, teachers can encourage students to do better. For instance, if Amy got a B on her test, teachers can encourage her to get an A next time. Once students surpass themselves, this progress can boost their confidence. Create a Comfortable and Secure Learning Environment Students have different personalities. Some are outgoing while others are shy. If a student especially for those who are introverted, feel he or she is not respected by classmates, then he or she will be more introverted and isolated. Then they may not to want join in class activities, fearing to share any idea. On the contrary, if the class can be inclusive and harmony, then even the shy students may try to open their heart to others and gain self-confidence. Thus, teachers first have to treat every student equally, giving students equal chances to express themselves. Besides, it requires teachers to find both students’ strength and weakness and push students to exert their strengths. Then teachers also need to use their great influence to cultivate a class culture that students respect each other and learn from each other. Set Realistic and Achievable Goals for Students It’s an excellent idea to have students set positive goals. Teachers should know that every student is different and has different capabilities. Some students are good at leaning languages while others may not. It’s not wise for teachers to ask every student to get the same results. If the goal is too difficult to achieve, it will destroy the students’ confidence. Thus, teachers should help students frame achievable goals which can be adjusted. Just as Maurice J. Elias said, “A goal has to be realistic with stretch, requiring effort and focus to achieve it. That’s why goals need time frames and measurable action steps along the way so that students can keep track of progress and make adjustments as necessary.” ① During this process, students can see their progresses. Once the small goals have been completed, students can feel a sense of accomplishment. Therefore, setting goals that are not too easy or too challenging is important. In conclusion, helping students build self-confidence is necessary in teaching. Many ways are suitable for building students’ confidence. The three methods I mentioned above are practicable. First, teachers are supposed to give students more encouragements. Second, it’s crucial to allow students study in a comfortable and secure environment. Third, achievable goal setting makes students know their own progresses so that they can be more confident. According to students’ personalities, teachers need to figure out which way is the most effective one for students. Once they build up confidence, students can study harder in the future. Bibliography: ① Smart Goal Setting With Your Students. Maurice J. Elias August. 27, 2014