Teach English in Taitou Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taitou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Due to the large variety of books available learners should be able to find books that interest them, this can motivate them to learn new words from like football or pop culture content yet have a familiar feel to it. Such content is widely available on the internet, it could be as simple as reading your favorite magazine in a different language. For beginners this can lead to more reading in their own time which will contribute towards their ability to understand and read in a different language. There may be several common words which will appear frequently that readers may look up to help them understand and even spell if required. This can be a good confidence booster if readers can at least recognize several words in a text, the translation and eventually its meaning in the text. Some beginners may feel nervous learning English especially if it’s the first time they have come across the Roman alphabet, reading can be less stressful activity compared to speaking in a classroom environment although both important. From a spelling and pronunciation perspective reading can help to distinguish between words or letters which sound the same but are pronounced differently. Recognizing the words can help students remember how to say the word and give them the confidence to continue to learn from reading. For beginners it can be a great way to learn about simple sentence structures which could be different from their own like the use of paragraphs or reading left to right rather than the other way around. For young learners reading can be greatly beneficial as there are many simple children books which are visual. For children this would be a fun activity to do yet educational especially for the younger children who may like to read books over again, this creates a good opportunity to become familiar with simple words and add some drilling to improve pronunciation, if content was read out aloud. As homework books could be ideal for young learners as its not taxing or overwhelming as long as the content is level appropriate. It can also mean young learners are in a comfortable environment to read at their own pace. From a teacher’s point of view regular reading, can allow student’s progress to be assessed over time and adjusted to easier or more challenging content. For advanced adult learners reading provides a great opportunity to learn from the different styles of English and content from different periods. This would also give learners exposure to words which are not frequently used. Eventually this can lead to a deeper understanding of how words can have different meanings depending on content, also improving the ability to recognize things like sarcasm in written text. For those studying business English, reading can have a significant impact on learning. The content might be reports and business admin, which might have a different style to their home county. Becoming familiar with these reports can help them understand the type of language used, it could be more complex or simpler than they thought. They may realize that the English they know is different compared to the formal written style. This can allow them to recognize their weaknesses and address it in an appropriate manner. Regular reading of business-related content can help to increase their confidence as they start to familiarize themselves with keywords related to their industry. Overall reading plays an important role towards learning acquisition as it provides students a way to learn outside the classroom environment and when alone. The variety and accessibility of content means that students can find reading material of their interest and ability level. Reading ability can be assessed by teachers easily and adjusted if required. Most importantly reading plays an important role towards learning English along with speaking, listening and writing in English