Teach English in Jitai Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jitai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A human constantly lives in ongoing process of movement, sometimes without even realizing it. But what does actually Movement mean? This is not the case when we should interpret this word literally. Movement in human’s life is about changing and development. Talking about changing I mean that person is always altering his or her positions (like a baby, child, teen, student, colleague, wife, mother etc.), course of life, mind, and desires and so on. Now we are more interested in development aspect of the movement. Good teachers become a part of our life and to some certain extent influence our way of life. One of the features of a good teacher is ability to grow professionally and personally. As Rene Descartes said: “I think, therefore I am”. What about transferring it into “I grow, therefore I am”. It means that professional and personal growth is a fundamental part of teacher’s life. Professional growth includes many aspects such as attending events, conferences, masterclasses, receiving feedbacks and so no. Self-analysis is one of the ways to grow that a teacher may provide without external assistance. Self-analysis, or self-assessment, leads to improvement. If a teacher demonstrates his or her strive for improvement, then the student will take it as an essential part of learning environment, that will motivate them to be involved into let’s say “improvement process” by themselves. Teacher is not just the one who “teaches and gives knowledge”, but also this is someone who grows and motivates others to grow. So, answering the question “Why self-analysis is important for teacher?” I can say that it considerably contributes into teacher’s professional development and is an essential part of teaching and learning experience for both teacher and student. Person who is not open for changes, growth and deep reflection cannot be a real teacher since this kind of profession is always about changes and self-improvement where self-analysis is a part of a basis of it. We all remember some of our schoolteachers whom we did not really like to some reasons; and I think that most of those teachers are the people who hardly understand what self-analysis is. When I finished my first term at school as a teacher, I decided to collect feedbacks from my students. We had a feedback session covering different kinds of questions like “What activity did you like the most?”, “What would you like to change in the lessons?”, “What kind of things demotivated you during the term?” and so on. After I had analyzed the feedbacks, I decided to change some aspects of my English classes. It did not take long to see the first results of changes that I provided. My students became more motivated and proactive on the lessons. In the second term my students demonstrated higher progress comparing to the first term. This way my lessons became more interesting and more professional. Of course, collecting feedbacks is not the only method of teacher’s self-analysis and a tool for professional development. Apart from feedback sessions, teachers can review students’ progress based on types of activities he or she implies, attend other teachers’ lessons to compare with his or her teaching way, use special tools etc. Self-analysis is a part of my professional life because this helps me to grow and to motivate my students to study and be proactive.