Teach English in Wuli Zhen - Tongchuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wuli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tongchuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Sometimes it seems that learning English is very difficult. After all, on our way there are constantly various problems: lack of understanding of English times, inability to speak fluently, lack of understanding of speech, forgetting words. How to cope with all these difficulties and speak in English? The most common problem students face with is free communication in English. Many of us have been learning the language for years, but never get the desired result. Learning the rules and words is old (15th century), a kind, but not always the best way to get free communication in English. This is long, divorced from practice and often leads to a "mess" in my head. The fact is that the most common and most convenient approach to teaching language is to split it into parts. From these parts, it would seem, the whole should come together, but usually everything remains at the level of details. The best recipe is a holistic approach to the language as a single organism. And also to immediately develop practical skills of free communication in English: listening comprehension, speaking and reading. One more problem it is failure to understand is due not only to the lack of language practice. The trouble is that most teaching methods devote negligible attention to one of the most important components: phonemic hearing. In contrast to the musical, phonemic hearing gives us the opportunity to perceive and understand speech. This is the foundation provided for us by nature and the physiology of the brain, on which the entire language is built. There is no foundation, there will be no language. Phonemic hearing in relation to the English language must be developed necessarily! In order to develop it, you need to listen to as much English as possible. But do it right. Moreover, the speech you are listening to should be both live (lectures), and mechanical (movies, series, podcasts). One more great idea is to use worksheets while listening. Another problem without doubts is familiar to any student forgetting English words. This always happens when foreign words are attempted to be memorized by mechanical memorization — cramming or some kind of mnemonic techniques, apart from the context and practice of their application. By the way, memorizing words with the help of cards or, in a more modern version, in the application in the phone, also refers to the mechanical method of learning and forgetting here is simply inevitable. The use of mnemotechnics (“1000 words in 3 days,” and so on) with reference to a language is also often bare mechanics. As a result of memorizing outside semantic links, English words are deposited in short-term memory, from which they very quickly disappear. According to the method used by us, the words are immediately given in the context of their use, and most often not separately from each other, but in phrases, sentences and dialogues, that is, in a semantic bundle. This corresponds to the natural way of learning English, when words in our memory and consciousness are combined into a kind of family, called semantic (meaning) fields. Only due to this, as well as multiple repetition and frequent use in different meanings, are the words laid down in long-term memory. And therefore you will not forget it even years after studying. In conclusion I should say that language learning is a process which takes a lot of time and efforts but it still can be so exciting. Everything depends on your desire and good methodology even if you study yourself.