Teach English in Kuquan Zhen - Tongchuan Shi

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Classroom management can be defined as the ability or skill to organise the class. This will involve the use of the eyes, the voice and different gestures. Classroom management will also involve group arrangements which consists of the whole class, individuals and pair work. The use of student’s names, initial classroom arrangements. Issues such as writing on the board, giving individual attention and teacher talk time all fall under the importance of classroom management. The use of the eyes. They say the eyes are the window to a man’s soul in other words a teacher can put his or her eyes into use by holding students attention this can be done through maintaining eye contact with the students .Eyes can also be used to encourage students or rather prompt them and to also correct the students .Moving on to the use of the voice. When the teacher is speaking he should remember that he or she is not speaking to fellow English speaker and therefore the teacher should try by all means to speak at a pace or speed that is slow enough for the students to grab, comprehend or understand. Speaking slow will also have to go hand in hand with speaking on a level that the students can’t understand in simpler terms the teacher should use language that is on the level of the students such as using big words and jargon's, this will do nothing at all but confuse the learners. Last but not least the teacher should also be able to speak clearly that the native students will not have a hard time trying to put together or figure out what the teacher was saying. Another important aspect of classroom management will have to be the use of gestures. Gesture is a noun, which is the movement of part of the body, hand or head to express an idea. These gestures can reduce the teachers talking time so students can talk more, this can be seen as an opportunity for the students to practice the language more. Classroom management will also have to include group arrangements. Certain students will be grouped as individuals. If students are grouped as individuals it will be much easier for the teacher to fend for each student’s individual needs, to see where the student is having difficulties and correcting it right there on the spot if need be. Individualism can help a student become self-reliant. However individualism comes with a set of disadvantages such as putting pressure on the students to perform and it reduces student to student interaction. Teachers can also group students as a whole class, this will give the students a sense of belonging, something like a second family and students will interact with each other more often, a whole class is also easy to keep under control nevertheless it is also a disadvantage to the shy students who cannot speak in front of people .The last arrangement would be pair work, students will be working in twos this method increases the students talk time but it also has its own disadvantage ,most students do not get along there for conflicts will be inevitable. There are certain activities that teachers should partake in such as using names in class. Names can save the teacher a lot of time because names bring about order in the classroom, used to indicate who should respond or should be up next. Names can also be used to acknowledge students, usually a name should be at the end of a question to let the student know that he or she should respond. The actual classroom arrangement is also one of the activities that a teacher should partake in, classroom arrangements depend on the demographics of the student, some are old some are really young, another decisive factor of classroom arrangement would be the physical space and also if there are enough resources to support a particular design, resources could be desks and chairs. All the above mentioned facts are part of classroom management, just to mention a few factors. If the classroom is not managed properly it will not be the right environment for learning.