Teach English in Azhuang Zhen - Tongchuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Azhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tongchuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When starting a teaching career, maintaining the decorum of the class can be one of the many tough challenges a teacher is likely to face. Formulating certain classroom discipline strategies can turn out to be really helpful. However, discipline does not necessarily rhymes with being strict and cold hearted, and the students' entertainment, pleasure and well-being should not be forgotten or put aside. That being said discipline is one of the essential virtues in human life. The seeds of discipline are sown in early childhood itself. Schools play a vital role in inculcating the importance of discipline in young children and must be carried on during teenage years. Considering that aspect, teaching to adults will most likely be fairly easier and will require less involvement from the teacher regarding his "policeman" role. The first step and key point about discipline is ingrained in the very first course a teacher will give. The main point should be to make an impression upon the students at the very beginning. Children and teenagers intently judge the teacher's every move during the first few minutes and decide what kind of a teacher the would have to deal with. Being firm, but remaining friendly while not revealing any weaknesses, else the students will know what they can get away with. This attitude might sound a bit defensive at first sight, but might as well be coupled with what can be named as positive discipline which includes positive language and behaviour. Whether giving directions, noting positive behaviours, prompting children to remember rules, stopping misbehaviour, or holding a discussion for instance, it’s important to use clear, direct language that is free of innuendo or sarcasm. With words, tone of voice, facial expression, and body posture, teacher can convey calmness and respect. Moreover, by using positive language to convey one's belief in students' abilities and intentions, the teacher help them internalise a positive identity and develop more awareness and self-control, which might very likely bring respect and thankfulness towards the teacher in return. More importantly teachers must treat all students respectfully and equitably. When students perceive unfair treatment in the classroom, whether they are on the receiving end of it or just a bystander, discipline problems can ensue. On another note, it should be highlighted that discipline might very much be a more ingrained concept depending on the culture. In other words, while it might require more efforts from the teacher to establish some discipline strategies when teaching to some countries, it might not be such a tough task when teaching in others, like east Asian countries for instance (with Japan or South Korea as the most striking examples), where discipline and respect towards peers is a thoroughly anchored value. As they usually go hand in hand, classroom management and discipline establishment are overall mostly a matter of balance and thorough shaping through experience. It should combine the teacher's will to keep the classroom as a welcoming and fairly friendly environment, his ability to remain consistent and provide a safe atmosphere to the students, while implementing clear rules in order to make the lessons as efficient, fluid and deprived of any annoyance as possible.